metabuxx #sexist #crackpot

[JFL] No one hates women more than married men do

"Single women live longer than married women" - scientifically proven.

So all those ITfags, normies and Chads who are married or are planning to marry basically want their partners to die sooner. Can you believe how misogynistic they are??

All we do is shit post about women, but these men with so called nice personalities who claim that they treat women as equals are actively participating in a tradition that kills women faster. Imagine hating women so much that you pretend all your life that you respect them so that they fall in your trap and agree to marry you, just to shorten their lifespan. These men are pure evil.

And yet women think that we are the bad ones. JFL.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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