Idi O Syncrasy #fundie

skeleton christ wrote:
"Here's why atheists are angry:
1) People think we're not true Americans even if we've lived in America all our lives.
2) State contitutions dicriminate against us.
3) People(Chisstians mostly) Keep telling us we're going to hell or trying to convert us
4) We have to listen to religious zealots push their religion on us, and when we say something back they say that we're opprssing them and disrespecting their beliefs.
If that doesn't make someone angry, I don't know what will."

Well, well, well!
Welcome to the United States of America,
a Representative Republic founded on Christian Principles.
In God we trust, God Bless America, one Nation under God.

You always have the option of relocating to an atheist state, North Korea for example.
I'm sure that would do wonders for your anger about not fitting in.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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