skeleton christ wrote:
"Here's why atheists are angry:
1) People think we're not true Americans even if we've lived in America all our lives.
2) State contitutions dicriminate against us.
3) People(Chisstians mostly) Keep telling us we're going to hell or trying to convert us
4) We have to listen to religious zealots push their religion on us, and when we say something back they say that we're opprssing them and disrespecting their beliefs.
If that doesn't make someone angry, I don't know what will."
Well, well, well!
Welcome to the United States of America,
a Representative Republic founded on Christian Principles.
In God we trust, God Bless America, one Nation under God.
You always have the option of relocating to an atheist state, North Korea for example.
I'm sure that would do wonders for your anger about not fitting in.
You think you're so good, making the worse allegories and thinking you're right. I think the truth is that you are angry, and you are hurt that noone shares the same stupid ideologies are you do. That is why you have to justify your reasons with the dumbest statements, which by the way, aren't even true. Welcome to reality, a Place was meant to be observed with Objective Principles, not Passive Agressive Shit-Eating Christians. k thx bye
"a Representative Republic founded on Christian Principles"
"In God we trust, God Bless America, one Nation under God"
If you think that those phrases existed when the nation was founded, that is a triple fail right there.
You suck at life and being American. Go back to Mexico, commie.
"Here's why fundies are angry:
1) People think we're not true Americans even if we've lived in America all our lives.
2) State contitutions dicriminate against us.
3) People(false cultists mostly) Keep telling us we're going to hell or trying to convert us
4) We have to listen to religious zealots push their religion on us, and when we say something back they say that we're opprssing them and disrespecting their beliefs.
If that doesn't make someone angry, I don't know what will."
Well, well, well!
Welcome to the United States of America,
a Representative Republic founded on secular Principles.
Congress shall make no law regarding religion(predates your slogans by quite a bit.)
You always have the option of relocating to an theist state, Saudi Arabia for example.
I'm sure that would do wonders for your anger about not fitting in.
Identify this "God", please. [Hint: it's not the bible god.]
"Christian principles"? Hotcha, Christ was really a Humanist!
Hey, Idi O Tick, learn this country's history before lecturing the rest of us on it.
Oh, and do send us a postcard from your new residence in Iran.
You always have the option of relocating to an atheist state, North Korea for example.
No, come to Canada. You can join the heritage of the many who have escaped from the land of the free. United Empire Loyalists, Escaped Slaves, those blacklisted under McCarthyism, Vietnam draft dodgers, liberals since Reagan ...
Hey IdiOt Syncazy, read the Constitution and The Bill of Rights. When you find the words "In God we trust, God Bless America, and One nation under God," in there,get back to us. Hint: You 'll look for a long time dolt,because they aren't in there!
Show us a "we must all be christians" statement ever signed into law then we'll talk.
Till then, I'm Canadian and I'm constitutionally a better American than you
Okay, this fundie does bring up an interesting point though, instead of living in a country which was BASED on a lot of christianity, why not make a country that's based on secular principles from scratch, or heck! Come to Australia! Yeah sure, some places have strong religious prescence but nobody said you have to sit around and take it in court, law, politics and national history.
Viva Australia! I do believe in God by the way, but hey! You don't have to! Its okay, I have this awesome strange belief that when people die they're judged on what deeds they did in their life, not what they believe and again you don't have to believe anything I say, in fact don't, if you want God you'd go looking for him yourself.
You always have the option of relocating to an atheist state, North Korea for example.
I'm sure that would do wonders for your anger about not fitting in.
If you crazies kept multiplying at the same rate I can almost foresee a time when it wouldn't be such a bad idea afterall, Idi O T.
Oh fuck you blue, monkey-nuts!
If you don't like feminists, gays, atheists, Jews, Muslims, or Buddhists, why don't you fuck off to some Christian country where you can sit on your fucking high horse and guffaw to yourself how fucking special you all are because you and only you have figured out all the grand trths to the universe? I mean, the fuck!
And as for fitting in, have you ever watched people? I mean, seriously watched them? I have. The majority of them are fucktards. If fitting in mean being a fucktard, then I will happily sit this society out, thank you very fucking much.
Or we could, you know, have a country that doesn't care what religion you are, as long as you don't hurt your neighbours. It's not the fitting in, it's HAVING to fit in that bothers us.
"In God we trust, God Bless America, one Nation under God."
Jingoism is a poor substitute for principles.
In North Korea you are to worship, throw parades and consider the rulers birthday the biggest event of the year, you are forced to do this.
As Dawkins and Hitchens both pointed out, North Korea is a theocracy, they have myth built around the ruler and still worship his dead father. An Atheist state would have no mythological worship AT ALL AND would more resemble the free working America and it's LEGAL dictates.
"a Representative Republic (that's the dream) founded on Christian Principles" That's Christian dishonesty. Can you go maybe a week without lying?
"Welcome to the United States of America,
a Representative Republic founded on Christian Principles.”
No it was not.
“In God we trust, …, one Nation under God.”
Added to the pledge in the mid-50s, not by fhe founders. And that was out of fear of atheistic communism.
“You always have the option of relocating to an atheist state, North Korea for example.”
When your toilet overflows, do you try to fix it or do you sell the house, as is, and move?
We’re trying to fix your shit, frankly, as this is our home.
“I'm sure that would do wonders for your anger about not fitting in.”
But we do fit in. It’s our country, too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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