ReturnOfSaddam #crackpot #sexist

The disparity in male attractiveness is FUCKING ASTOUNDING

Pretty much any girl can become legitimately hot with makeup, it's so fucked up it's insane. And even without it, the average man is attracted to the average woman, whereas the reverse? JUST FUCKING LOL. Not in a million years.

Foids look pretty similar for the most part. How rare is it to see a foid who's a LOT shorter/taller than other ones? Do fucking 50% of foids go bald? Do they have to be able to sustain an erection when having sex? Do they get graded for the size of their vaginas? For a foid to be legitimately ugly, she either has to be obese (will still have an ARMY of white knights at her disposal) or fucking deformed tier. For a guy he needs to have one sub-par feature and that's it. Done, finished, game over, KO.

When you look at Chads compared to everyone else, it's like a different life form. The guy on the left looks completely fine, full head of hair, good skin, good jaw/forward growth but he's just EVERYTHINGMOGGED by a massive fucking degree to the guy next to him. You don't see this with foids, not to anywhere near the same extent.


This wouldn't be a problem if: a) women weren't so picky and b) if their tastes weren't so universal and monolithic There are no foids chasing short men, balding men, men with narrow shoulders, men with tiny dicks, men with bug eyes, men with gyno, obese men etc

JFL so legit. It's so fucking over. I still find it amazing that so many guys think women don't care about looks. They value looks over everything, it's just they're all attracted to the same kind of looks. CHAD.



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