[He was trying to defend the fossil record as being caused by "Flood sorting"]
<quoted text>
Except that it doesn't sort that way?.If it did we would find sloths below pterosaurs (to give just on example) and that doesn't happen.</quoted text>
But sloths are able to move faster. They are sorted by how fast they can move to get away from the rising water.
@ toothache
He's here.
Well, that's a new idea for a motivational poster:
In the first place sloths aren't fast.
In the second place, extend your explanation to plant fossils, including pollen, seeds etc. Did modern trees (including coastal mangroves) run up the hills faster than ferns and bryophytes?
Re 'i iz not a dedly sin', the lil sloth is quite right.
Sloth wasn't one of the original (eight) deadly sins, it was brought in by Pope Gregory to replace 'tristia' (sadness} and 'acedia' (not caring). The Church preferred gloomy workaholics to the cheerfully idle.
No surprises there then.
Dedicated, have you ever watched a sloth trying to go anywhere in a hurry? It's flat-out impossible. A sloth can take an hour or more just to cross a road! (Don't ask why it even did -- I hear it had something to do with a chicken.) And you want to claim that sloths are faster than things that FLY, that actually need to maintain a considerable minimum speed just to stay airborne?
Are you just saying things opposite to reality for fun, the way my son used to do when he was four years old? Because that's just about what this sounds like.
~David D.G.
Of all the inane arguments, he had to make that one!
Dedicated indeed. To remain willfully ignorant, that is.
In the famous race between Tortoise and Hare, little mention has been given to the other competitors. Turtle only beat Rabbit by a nose, and only by persistance, not sheer speed. Molasses, f'rinstance won a moral victory by leading until he came to the hill. Snail and Sloth were neck and neck through the far turn when Grandma Moses, riding Father Time took them on the outside, with Government Propaganda and Red Tape both impeding progress when Wheels of Justice slowed them down. Into the stretch Terry Dacktyl came up fast along the rail as Mud was edging out Quicksand, and the winner by a length -
Zippy The Wonder Slug!
Fred Thompson was still napping at the gate.
Silly, Sloths can't possibly be from the planet Krypton.
How would they get through the Vault of the Heavens that was holding back the Water Canopy?
OK, fess up. You do not know what a pterosaurs or a sloth is, do you?
There is no shame in admitting that you do not know something. And it is not in the least as embarrassing as to pretend you know something and failing epically, like you just did.
Also, we are living in the information age and you are sitting on a computer connected to the biggest collection of knowledge (and pron) in the history of humanity. Almost any information you could want to know is literally only a few keystrokes away. USE IT!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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