Clif High #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy

i get why people may be offended by my use of the label "Trumpitos". i apply this label to the people that Trump has brought into his administration, not to those people who support Trump, and his actions.

i also support Trump, and his team, and their actions.

i use this label BECAUSE i support them, and am pointing out that their thinking is failing them, and their goals. It is my conclusion that the understanding of our reality that they are demonstrating by their actions is flawed.
In my opinion, the Trump team has a big big big problem that they do not see. Or apparently do not see. It's possible that they are so good at hiding their real intent that i am, along with everyone else, being deceived by their misdirection.
This problem is deep. Far far deeper than most people would ever bother to think. This problem arises from their view of our common shared reality.

As a small hint, we can say that 'modern science', based on the Einstein /Descartes understanding of a grit based Matterium, and all the academics that 'understand modern physics' ALL see 'gravity' as a separate force. They are actually looking for 'particles', or grit, that is/causes 'gravity'.

As long as they hold that view of gravity as a separate 'force', they will never be able to create anti-gravity vehicles.
Further, the grit model can never explain UFOs, and consciousness. The Einstein/ Descartes model is a failure. It is dying now.
As i discount the base for ALL their thinking, i question all their decisions. It is my intent in the criticisms that i present to cooperate, to harmonize, with our unfolding, emerging, common shared reality such that IF the Universe provides, they will be guided towards changing the glasses through which they see.

In my opinion they are missing so many opportunities. They are missing so many solutions because these are obscured by the the grit covering their eyes.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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