Various Commenters #transphobia #sexist
RE: I'm sorry about their experience, but it's still male socialization through and through.
( sojourner_truth_ )
See, this is why I'm not of the belief that detransitioners will be the cavalry that comes running in to save the day. The women sometimes have interesting things to say, but nobody will listen to them because they are women. And the men? No great shakes. Look at this whiny loser, moaning that women have something that he wants, and stamping his feet that he can't just instantly have it too, implying that the women owe it to him. Incel logic 101. Maybe he stopped IDing as trans but he is still the same as he was before he transed himself. It starts with entitlement and misogyny, and that's how it continues. Waah waah waah, how dare women have something! I want it I want it I want it! No, I don't want to lift a finger, omg that's what women are for!!!!! Ugh. Disgusting scrote.
( crodish )
Yeah, I'm wary of putting detransitioners on a pedestal, or thinking they'll be the next generation to break down barriers, etc. A lot of them still see feminists as their Big Bad, even if some of them are female. The most we can do is support them but not expect the same to be given to us. As is the usual for being women...
( sojourner_truth_ )
You're right; they are quick to paint us as the problem!
Plus many of them were mentally ill and unstable to start with, which is why the gender cult was able to suck them in. Those pre-existing mental illnesses didn't disappear in a puff of smoke once they saw through the trans delusion, as many of Isaac's supporters are seeing.
In a political fight for women's rights and children's safety, I want allies I can count on to not lose the plot at every errant breeze. So many detransitioners go back and forth multiple times. It's like quitting an addiction or leaving an abusive partner. It may take 6 or 7 attempts to break free for good.
( La_Terfa )
This is why I have zero sympathy for detrans moids, and I actually believe that detrans women should actively keep them out of their support groups. There's no fixing these gross broken moids.