I have heard Rabbi Lazer Brody say that the children with cancer are very holy souls who came down to suffer as atonement for the sins of this generation. Sometimes I believe that the same is true for some of the children trapped in abusive homes and the heinous underworld. These children, these souls, chose to take it upon themselves to leave the beautiful Heavens and dive into the deepest darkness. They chose to have the worst sins piled on top of them so that they could be an atonement.
I don't need to ask how the insanity's coming along. It's coming along just fine I see.
Absolute proof positive that religion* was invented by and for total arseholes. Gullible people can come along for the ride too, as financial providers and canon fodder.
* includes personal relationship shenanigans.
I have heard Rabbi Lazer Brody say that the children with cancer are very holy souls who came down to suffer as atonement for the sins of this generation.
I have not, but I'll let him know he's an asshole next time I see him.
So according to Rabbi Lazer Brody:
-Persons A through Y all commit various acts that are wrong
-God brutally and horrifically punishes Person Z who has done none of the things persons A-Y have done
...your god is a supreme douchebag of the highest order.
Yes, people will illnesses and disabilities are very spiritual/holy souls, or at least pretty wise beyond their years (i know, hard to believe or see), but not for repentance for other peoples "sins". Maybe it's because their "Defects" lets them look at life from a different perspective.
I suppose I can at least understand this, given your religion is based on attonement through sacrifice (destruction of property, self-mutilation, self-denial) - 2000 years ago it would have been a goat or pigeon or something that had to die to pay for your sins, now its some poor frightened kid getting fucked by his daddy.
@ The Reptilian Jew
As I understand it, the 36 "Just Men", i.e. the Lamed Vovnik are not necessarily required or destined to suffer to atone for the sins of others. In many cases the Lamed Vov doesn't even know that he IS one of the 36 Just Men. Supposedly if all 36 Lamed Vovnik would cease to exist the world would be subsumed in bad things but since it passes from one generation to another its fairly unlikely that all 36 would be missing at the same time.
Well, they say that after their deaths, "God needs to warm their souls on his palm for 10000 years to thaw them", if I recall. So yes, they DO suffer pretty bad.
So... Wait. If I cheat on my wife, steal from my office, and gamble on the Sabbath, those are sins. But God's not going to send a tornado to rip my car apart, or a hurricane to drown my condo... He's going to give my child cancer, as a sacrifice. So my sins are atoned for.
So the next time a fundy says that, say, America's abortions are angering God, we can point to Rabbi Lazer Brody and say, "It's okay! They haven't cured cancer yet!"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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