When many conservatives started viewing marriage as a romance/love based institution instead of a reproductive contract between two families, the argument against gay marriage was neutered. When society doesn't incentivize men to get married, men will abandon the institution of marriage as they are doing now.
Examples of such disencentives is the (anti)family court and divorce court system that overwhelmingly punishes husbands, no matter what the husbands do.
Another disincentive against men is the anti-dowry. What do I mean by anti-dowry? In societies where real family values exist such as India, a prospective woman for marriage comes with a dowry and virginity, in order to encourage men to marry these women in an arranged marriage with the woman's father's family. In anti family societies, such as America and Europe, the woman (who probably had sex with the football team at high school, and dated several tatted-up thugs while she was in college pursuing her worthless liberal arts degree) comes with an anti-dowry such as student loans and consumer debt.
What man would want to marry in the Western World?
The Christian Right's obsession with "gay marriage" is just an example of moral cowardice. They refuse to confront the real issue
Not much luck in getting laid, eh?
...in order to encourage men to marry these women in an arranged marriage with the woman's father's family.
And thus override that man and woman's free will and desire about what life partner to choose for themselves?
What woman would want to marry in your world? Though, clearly, to you, what she wants is immaterial.
Real marriage values like setting your wife on fire because her parents didn't cough up enough dough?
Yeah, we totes need that here!
So the problem is that conservatives aren't loveless enough?!?
Well, that's an...interesting thought.
Meh, not a very impressive analysis of the sociology of marriage.
And the mournful tone of regret for the good old days when a woman could be forced to marry a loser like you doesn't reflect well on you at all.
Jebus, you really got burned in the divorce, didn't you? And the whole sex thing has been slding down hill since then, hasn't it?
Well, personally, I really couldn't give two shits.
"In societies where real family values exist such as India"
Where village elders order "holy rape gangs" to assault women who have offended them, and where passing legislation against raping 6 year old girls on a bus is controversial? If you can't find any woman who'll touch you with a 10 foot pole, it's because they have better taste than doing the nasty with a sociopath like you. You're complimenting women whether you know it or not.
In societies where real family values exist such as India
So, you're OK with polygamy, polyandry, and all the men living together apart from all the women? Where rape of women is endemic and where people get murdered to maintain the family's honor?
Racist, sexist, fundie, crazy... Yeah, what man would want to marry a woman if he can't treat her like chattel? Men only want to marry if they can get paid, treat a woman like a slave, and have said woman spew out babies. Forget all that mushy-gushy love crap... Be PRO-FAMILY! Which means shit on women and GLBT people. Because who gives a fuck about them, right?
And, clearly, if you idolize India as the bastion of pro-family-ness one should stop being Christian. The majority of people in India are Hindu with Muslims coming in at 13% and Christians at a mere 2%. Their values don't come from your bible god.
In India the family will 'encourage' a woman to get an abortion if she finds she is pregnant with a girl because no one wants to pay the *outrageous* dowries that the government has said are no longer legally necessary for marriage, but the culture demands anyway. And god forbid a woman not have a lot of gold when she marry.
India has your family values like I have your respect for the bible.
If husbands don't cheat on their wives, pull their weight and treat their families with respect, they generally don't wind up in the family court system.
That you think a liberal arts degree is worthless speaks volumes of your understanding of education and your quality of thinking. College isn't just a trade school, Rocky.
"What man would want to marry in the Western World?"
Because clearly men only get married in societies such as India. Oh, wait...
Someone's getting sick of paying the high price of prostitutes and thinks he should be able to pay some woman's father to force her to marry him.
Maybe if you actually LIKED women and had enough respect for them to want one as a partner instead of a slave, you might be able to induce one at least to go out with you.
Why would men abandon the institution of marriage because you don't have to have kids? To my knowledge it's mostly women who badger their men to have kids. Do you think that my husband and I ought to get a divorce, as we have not been able to produce any offspring?
The husband is often the stronger and richer party in a marriage. Not always, but quite often. The wife, subsequently, needs more protection from the courts.
The Chinese society had a dowry system earlier. However, with the one-child-per-family rule, there are now way too many young men and way too few young women. The parents of women can now pick and choose between prospective suitors.
The average amount of partners a person has (I don't know if it was in Western countries or just the US), is about 4. Women admit this figure, when asked, men often exaggerate the figure to about 9.
An equal rights promoter would want to marry in the Western World, which seem to be the majority. A real man appreciates a strong woman who knows her mind. Only weak man-boys fail to handle strong women.
she was in college pursuing her worthless liberal arts degree
Yeah, talking to an educated woman is more difficult than talking to a bar tender who says "yes" to everything you say, especially when you repeatedly say "another double, please".
Remember, in the kind of family you want, that woman with her "worthless liberal arts degree" will be the one bringing up your kids, Don't you want some of her education to rub off on them at an early age? Or should she just smack them when they get in the way of her daily soaps?
The Christian Right's obsession with "gay marriage" is just an example of moral cowardice. They refuse to confront the real issue
Did you meany reestablish dowry, forced and/or arranged marriage and husband supremacy and, more generally, bring women condition back to the Stone Age?
The arranged marriage and dowry is a way for the father to sell his daughter for the best deal he can get for himself. How is that "pro family"?
Over 80% of American men marry, and the average American woman has four sex partners in her life, so your stuff about sleeping with the football team and men not marrying are self-invented nonsense. Here's a hint: "Jersey Shore" and "Real World" are not real life.
Sangfroid said:
Jebus, you really got burned in the divorce, didn't you? And the whole sex thing has been slding down hill since then, hasn't it?
LOL - you talking to me?
But I have never felt any hatred toward women because of this incident or any lack of sex and I have certainly never ranted about it on the net like the Freak Republic Gobshite does.
We already have. Unfortunately, there were so many assholes that when we sent them back they fundamentally changed the culture. Consequently when they were born in our time they had something in the past to strive for, creating a stable time loop. I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry.
If he's a divorcee or unlucky in finding a partner, I'm going to have to laugh at him. With that kind of attitude, it's no surprise that no self-respecting woman would even spit in his direction. What if either party is impotent?! Then what, dipshit? Also...I second what urdelusional said.
Reproduction is not a requirement of marriage.
If you have to go to India to get married, stay there.
"What man would want to marry in the Western World?"
Men who see women as persons, and their woman as their closest companion, who want childrem as manifestation of this love instead of mere dynastic reasons, who have other venues of satisfaction besides bullying their slave, in short, non-psychopaths, including myself.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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