Elizabeth Nickson #sexist #wingnut #racist #conspiracy elizabethnickson.substack.com

There is no peace in the streets, EVER, your people have started three wars in the last two years. You kill millions of babies and agitate to kill more babies. You’ve demanded so much money for social justice, we are broke ten times over, and risk a Weimar Germany hellscape. Your repulsive politicians have enabled criminal cartels to loot the public purse. We are being invaded by millions of military-aged men on the border, and at the border, hundreds of thousands of women and children are raped and being sold into sex slavery. <...> But they want the border open because COMPASSION.


The fires last summer were caused by climate change.

Deplorables are awful.

Abortion is sacred.

J6 was not an FBI psy-op, it was a genuine rebellion of nazi rednecks, who are awful.

Socialism is necessary and I want a job telling everyone what to do.

Everything is the fault of white men.
Here’s a fun little fact for my sisters-in-Borg. All those desperate immigrants at the border are economic migrants (the ones who aren’t gangs, terrorists or Chinese military coming to ruin us) and they are coming here for our system which was built by men and women who were not shrieking babies like you. The system that made you the richest most spoiled women in creation ever. That means those countries are being gutted of their most entrepreneurial talent, families broken, children ruined, villages stripped of life. Your compassionate migration policies are the most cruel thing on this cruel cruel planet, and that, my sisters in Borg, is saying something. Being a brainwashed puppet is not without cost, it will kill your soul.

I am grateful for each and every one of my new sensible female friends, and it’s how I know this isn’t universal. But I’d say 30% are hard-core brutal haters who don’t even know they are Marxist mind slaves, and 30% pander to them like idiots because the blow-back is scorched earth.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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