Trump Derangement Syndrome is the term used to describe the irrational despair, hysteria, and hatred liberals, establishment token conservatives, and the mainstream media[1] have for U.S. President Donald Trump and anything related to him.[2]
Democrats were traumatized by Trump's 2016 election victory.[3][4]
The many hysterical, over-the-top predictions of what a Trump presidency would bring about,[5] including predictions that people would die because of Trump's policies.[6]
According to Pew Research Center in July 2018, Facebook rants by Democrats expressing opposition, such as to Trump, increased by 450% after the 2016 election.[7][8]
On the one-year anniversary of President Trump being elected president, liberal protestors literally chose to scream helplessly at the sky.[14]
It was announced in 2017 that "The Eaton Workshop hotel" – an explicitly anti-Trump hotel labeled "the world’s first politically motivated hotel" – would be built in Washington D.C.[15][16]
Also unprecedented, some Democrats used profane language against Trump, such as the f-word[36] and s-word.[37] Notably, in 2018, far-left Democrat congresswoman Rashida Tlaib stated that "we’re gonna impeach the mother****er," referring to Trump,[38] and many Democrats defended her vulgar comments.[39]
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