according to scientists in the big bang theory the ball of matter was spinning. If it was spinning in a clockwise direction than due to the conservation of angular momentum all the plants and such would be spinning in a clockwise direction too. If the big bang theory is true than how come's some of our planets our spinning in the opposite direction. That's just one more fact to make evolution wrong.
Please get this straight: Evolution and cosmology have absolutely nothing to do with each other! Next time, get your science education from something a little more solid than a fundie website; you may still choose to disbelieve it, but at least you'll have some idea of what scientists actually claim, instead of projecting such inane babble onto them in the first place.
~David D.G.
<<< If it was spinning in a clockwise direction than due to the conservation of angular momentum all the plants and such would be spinning in a clockwise direction too. >>>
No. Conservation of angular momentum requires that the net sum of angular momentum remains the same, not that everything spins the same way. You could have most planets spinning one way and a few the other and still have the same net angular momentum.
Aside from that, evolution and cosmology are different disciplines.
according to scientists in the big bang theory the ball of matter was spinning.
WRONG strawman #1.
[i]If it was spinning in a clockwise direction than due to the conservation of angular momentum all the plants and such would be spinning in a clockwise direction too.
WRONG AGAIN. Strawman #2 - also the conservation of angular momentum would state that the spinning would slow down in velocity as the universe expanded!
the big bang theory is true than how come's some of our planets our spinning in the opposite direction
Strawman #3. Retrograde motion. Yes how on earth do eddies form in rivers, especially if you dip a paddle in. That's absolutely impossible right! IDIOT!
That's just one more fact to make evolution wrong.
WRONG Strawman #4. Don't try and use grevious misunderstandings in cosmology to decry infallible and largely unrelated (definitely not in the way you think they're related) sciences.
Anyone got a match?
This concept that all bodies in our solar system should spin the same way is bullshit and has never been suggested as pertinent by anyone in astronomical sciences.
It's a creationist scam, repopularized by Kent Hovind who actually claims scientists say the Big Bang spat out fully formed planets. This is their whole game, to lie outrageously about sciences conclusions and point out how stupid that concept is.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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