riceronicel #racist #sexist incels.is
RE: [Discussion] Why don't Whitecels date average looking black women.
I think black women are the highest percentage of women to stay in their own race. Black women fucking hate whites, they despise them actually. MUH EVIL OPPRESSORS N SHIIIET
yes and black men hate it when black foids date white men. They see it as dating the oppressors, so you hit the nail on the head on that one.
Which is funny because black foids hate it when black men date white women, because they take that as saying black foids aren't good looking enough for the "good" black men, whatever that means.
Jfl black men pursue white women, white women want white men, white men want to try to date black womenz and black women stay loyal by going after black men.
Where's my position in this cycle as a ricecel?
As a fellow ricecel we are non-existent in this cycle. There's a reason why no foid conventionally speaking want to date rice men in general. We just don't exist in their radar. We're not an option because we were never made an option, whether it's by Hollywood or availability. Most of us are pretty shit ugly anyway so that doesn't help.