/The grotesque Ghetto N!gress is aa moron./
Look in the mirror, you racist cretin. And by the way, I happen to think that Michelle Obama is quite attractive, and I'm a straight woman. Jealous, much?
/She got in on an AA "scholarship"./
/Her writings are an embarrasment./
Have you seen them? Didn't think so.
/Were she White, or Asian, she NEVER would have gotten in./
And how do you know this? And #891921 is right; you wouldn't have gotten in either, because you're a complete imbecile.
/She and her H o m o Illegal Alien hubby/
Her husband is straight; hence why he married her. He was born on American soil, his mother was American, and his father was a legal immigrant. FAIL.
/are House N!gs to the H E B ES/
And once again, you demonstrate your extreme stupidity by applying insults to Obama that are not only offensive, but inaccurate. A house negro refers to an African-American whose ancestors were slaves. Since Obama's African heritage derives entirely from his father, who legally immigrated to this country on his own and thus never was an African-American slave, your racial mudslinging is pointless.
/Civil War is coming./
Only if you racist idiots want to make it so.
/YOU will lose./
Yes, because how can we compete with such wonderfully intelligent and brilliantly levelheaded opponents? /sarcasm/
/Traitors WILL be tried for treason,/
If anybody is a traitor, it's you, PearlGirl. You are a traitor for wishing our next President dead simply because he's black. You are the one who stands against everything that this country stands for and against the very identity of this country. We are not a monolithic white society, we are a melting pot of diverse ethnicities and cultures. We're FAMOUS for our diversity, for crying out loud. The whole world knows it. So, why can't you racists accept it?
/and if convicted, HANGED./
Sorry, but you're a little late, dimwit. Lynchings aren't legal anymore and are no longer tolerated in society. The Old South is dead and you will have a black president. Get over it.