(On True and False disciples):
Matthew 7:21-23 (NIV): 'Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Also, Matthew 7:1. And the 9th Commandment.
Doris, I've worked with Christians. I know Christians. A Christian is a friend of mine. Doris, you are no Christian. [/Lloyd Bentsen]
How do you subjectively know you're headed heavenward? Remember: once one is Saved*, you don't have the right to think of committing any more sins, otherwise you're not saved. That's how it works, see? I refer you to a certain woman your J-boy saved from a bigoted stone-wielding mob. What was it he said to Mary Magdalene after he'd forgiven her? It slips my mind... oh yes, that's right: 'Now go and sin no more'.
So what makes you think you have the right to subjectively claim you're 'Saved', dearie? Especially with all those juicy 9th Commandment-breaking [i]lies[/i] of yours the last several years. You're going to Hell. Prove me wrong. Now.
To say nothing of your judgementalism in contravention of Matthew 7:1: your homophobia in particular (when the 26th June SCOTUS decision destroys your right to think the way you do. Romans 13:1-5; your 'God' disagrees with you, don't bother him about it). You're going to Hell II. Prove me wrong. Now.
Malachi 2:16: 'I hate divorce, says the LORD'. Matthew 5:32: 'But I say to you that everyone who divorces her husband, except on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery'. Matthew 19:6: 'So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate'.
As there are more mentions in the Bible of Divorce than Homosexuality (please explain in great detail as to WHY homosexuality is a 'Sin', and Divorce isn't, o Doris 'God Complex' not-Bentjen...?!), and your 'God' hates it (Mal. 2:16), therefore it is more of an abomination. You have committed that abomination - twice, no less - therefore you are going to Hell III, and you've struck out.
We Atheists, LGBT people & non-fundie Theists aren't. As per Romans 11:26-32, thus all Jews are Saved - because of their 'Disobedience' - Rom. 11:30-32 says that we are Saved too: because of our Disobedience. Prove me wrong. Now.
*- OSAS. Jonathan Edwards - a [i]long[/i]-time Christian who recanted of his beliefs, and became an Atheist. If you think you're still 'Saved', therefore so is he. And do you know the worst part of that? Well, as this proves:
I'm Saved too.
No, Doris, you are the Hellbound.
And then Dorie was a barbecued zombie. >:D
Pride is a sin too, don't forget.
I'm not the one making you think & behave the way you do, therefore I'm the heavenbound not-sinner. Unless you think you're God, with that God Complex part of your mental handicap, prove me wrong. Now.
Isaiah 55:8: 'My thoughts are not your thoughts'. Which deity died and made YOU Lord God Almighty?
Along with all that has transpired in your life being your fault because of your sinful Pride: It is that, coupled with Matthew 7:1, that you condemn yourself
That pain you're feeling right now, as your life is ruined because of your Pride-based unjustifiable way of thinking? Consider that just the slightest taste of what's to come before you're before that White Throne of Judgement, you're kneeling in pure terror on that huge trapdoor, with your 'God's finger hovering over that button, wondering if he's gonna do what's right as per your sins: all the while you see me - and the humble Christian Earl Campbell - passing through those Pearly Gates & into Heaven. Because of Romans 11:30-32, and we Atheists, LGBT people & non-fundie Theists not thinking as you do. [/Marcus Aurelius]
I'll give you a little wave, dearie. Enjoy the long drop...! >:D