firenati0n #wingnut

Harry potter is an excellent pro-lifer literature.
I always thought women should have control over her body, however, after reading Harry potter, my views changed for the better.

Imagine if Lily potter aborted Harry, who would have stopped the onslaught of voldemort? The child who stood up to voldemort would be no longer there. Voldemort would have committed a magical holocaust against us muggles.

The weasleys had so many kids, they could have easily offed a few of them to stop descending into poverty. However they chose not to and they ended up with some of the most lovable bastards on the series. Could you imagine if ron, fred or george was aborted (Percy dont count lol). Their potential would have gone without a trace in history.

Same thing can be said of Hagrid. He was the product of union between a man and a giant. Yet they did not abort the unholy creation. Why? Because they valued life and potential of that life (however little it may be).

JK Rowling did a fantastic job of creating characters that could have been aborted at birth, however through trials and tribulation they overcame their shortcoming and became heroes. Ms Rowling's work places a strong case for us pro-lifers



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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