"I agree that being a conservative in of itself isn't fundy. Thinking the free market is given to us by God is Fundie."
Yeah... I'll have you know I'm not much in favor of God-based policy making either but also I'm not buying your excuse for one simple reason.
You never quote leftists if they try to justify their reasoning based on God.
Really? "There's a special place in Hell" for people who didn't vote Hillary? Don't see that quote. And it will never appear because they're on your side and FSTDT is just political hackery pretending to be "rational" and "logical" and "skeptical" and all these other buzzwords used by pseudo-skeptics partisan hacks who never practice the principles they preach.
Also guess what? Abolitionists argued from a religious point of view against slavery. Are they "fundies" too or was that okay because it was a good cause? There's a tough one to think about.
I actually want secular based policy making, you just seem to bash religious folk, specifically Christian.
@Pharaoh Bastethotep
Yeah nice try at muddying the waters but no.
The pharma industry is never separated from a universal healthcare system.
All these systems rely on heavy regulations and most importantly: price controls. If government takes over healthcare they will start to dictate medication prices.
Problem is, price controls often lead to shortages. Nobody is going to invest billions of dollars into making new innovative medication if they can't sell it at a market value and the profit margins are incredibly small / non-existent / negative (operating at a loss).
So you can continue praising other countries for their healthcare, but a lot of them just leech off US innovation that wouldn't have been possible without the US and its free market system (its close to free market anyway, it's never really been completely free).
The solution to expensive medical care is competition. More doctors, more generic drugs (patents eventually expire anyway).