Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy

[From "The Road to Zero Fertility"]

We have a new weird sexual thing to discuss.

Daily Mirror

A new reality series is sparking controversy with its promise to ‘skip the dating and go straight to the baby-making’.

Fox’s Labour of Love sees 15 men competing to impregnate a 41-year-old woman they have never met.

Kirsty Katzmann is the singleton hoping to bag herself a baby daddy on the never been done before series.

In last night’s debut episode, Kirsty introduced herself to the hopefuls as a professional and a divorcee from Chicago seeking to find the right man to have a child with.

After having no success on the dating scene, Kirsty said yes to the divisive premise because she felt her ‘biological clocking was ticking’ and wanted to achieve her dream of motherhood.


Let me tell you what is most offensive about this game show: the woman is 41-years-old, and they are talking about a “ticking clock.” In actual fact, she is virtually a finished clock. Many women at the age of 41 are simply incapable of getting pregnant and carrying a child to term, especially if it is their first. Others require tens of thousands of dollars of medical assistance. The statistics are difficult to parse out, given that there is a lot of political correctness involved, but everyone admits that the chance of experiencing every possible complication increases progressively every day after a girl turns 17.

By simply existing, this show advertises to women the idea that they can wait until they are in their forties to have children, which is just absolute cancer for society. The worst form of social cancer, in fact. The refusal of women to follow the order of nature – a refusal which stems naturally from giving them the choice – is the very heart of the collapse of the family and thus the very core of our social rot.

This game show woman explains that she is doing this quirky game show because she couldn’t find a good man on the dating scene. The reason for that is very simple: she is 41. Virtually no man of any quality at all, of any age, is going to be interested in a woman this old. That is just the harsh reality that these women have to face. They aren’t told this when they are young. Instead, they are told that men care about women’s education and life experience. Men might care about these things, but only in the sense that the less of these two things a woman has, the better. Even if you could find a high-quality man that was exclusively interested in women for their personalities (and it’s questionable than any such man exists), the fact is that the longer a woman remains unmarried, the more sexual partners she has, the more jaded and incapable of developing trust she becomes, and the worse her personality becomes.

A Happy Woman is a Baby Machine
Given that our society is controlled by satanic Jews who have an agenda to wipe out White Christians, anti-natal concepts flood every crevice of our bizarre and unnatural culture.

The modern anti-natalist lingo has continually pushed the claim that men think of women as “baby-making machines” and that this is morally wrong. However, “baby-making machines” is literally what women are, and the best among the crueler sex are happy to admit it, and take pride in it.

Modern society, with its birth control pills and abortion, and its feminist morality, encourages women to engage in the mating game well past the period of time in which they are naturally supposed to be doing it. It also constantly tells women that if they seek the second thing they want and are good at, children, then they will regret the loss of the first thing. Though she really does enjoy the mating game, it becomes progressively less enjoyable as she ages, in part because she becomes progressively less successful at it.

Virtually every mammal begins breeding as soon as it experiences its first menstruation, which is why women were typically sold off at this age. That biological fact tends to make people in our society very uncomfortable, as in the last century we’ve developed various taboos around an arbitrary age of female sexual readiness. That taboo is in itself not especially problematic. There is no reason women can’t wait until the arbitrary age of 16 to get married and have children. If that is what we were talking about, that would be fine.

But that is not what we are talking about. What we are talking about is waiting to the arbitrary age of 16 before the girl is considered available for so-called “consensual” pre-marital sex. The social acceptability of pre-marital sex is the first concession on the road to zero fertility.

A girl’s innocence is not truly lost when she loses her virginity. Her innocence is lost when she realizes that the man she lost her virginity to will not be her husband. She will shed a tear when her hymen breaks, but it is when she finds that her first will not also be her last that she weeps. Even today, I assume, most teenage girls imagine that they will marry their high school boyfriends. This is because in that state of innocence, she has not yet learned to become a slut.

Most Christian preachers will speak of “waiting until marriage” to have sex. Or, at least, they used to. Human biology, however, works differently than this. In the upper classes, it may have been possible to indoctrinate a girl into forcing a man to wait until marriage. And surely some lower class girls would be just that good. But in what is probably a majority of situations, going all the way back to the establishment of monogamous marriage for life as a fundamental institution for maintenance of the the stability of a complex society, teenagers had sex before marriage, the girl got pregnant and the marriage was then quickly arranged by the parents. I don’t know how these conversations would go, but you can easily imagine it. The marriage would happen quickly, the girl would wear a white dress and everyone would be too polite to do the math on the number of weeks between the wedding and the birth.

A teenage girl is told that she not only must wait until she finishes high school, but also college, and then have a job and work for some indeterminate amount of time. Basically, if we were now teaching “wait until marriage to have sex,” we would be telling women to wait until they are nearly a decade past prime fertility. This situation is utterly insane on its face, and it is unbelievable that Christians have accepted it unquestioningly.

If Christians truly believe that women should wait until marriage to have sex, and believe that the family is the foundational block of society, then literally every single sermon they give should be about the evils of sending women to college instead of marrying them off after high school. If churches were doing that, then we would have an established subculture in the West of conservative-minded people who were creating large, stable families. As the liberals failed to produce children, we would be the overwhelming majority of the population by now if every daughter of a Christian man was pumping out babies from the time she turned 16. But no, instead, preachers are talking about “prosperity gospel” and telling well-meaning people to serve the satanic Jews who murdered our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

When a girl knows that no path exists to marry the first boy, for which she felt feelings that she will never again feel for the rest of her life, driven by all of these hormones that are intended to create a bond during the teenage years, she gives up on the idea of maintaining her innocence. After the first few boys, she has become hardened to it, and has embraced the fun and the power of promiscuity. This is literally a system designed to break the basic psychological mechanisms that exist biologically in the brain of a female that drive her towards family formation. It is all promoted by the psychological warfare machine that is the media and educational establishment, both of which are totally dominated by the Jews.

Someone is going to be in control, and what modern women always demand is that they be the ones in control. It is only by refusing them that control that you will gain their respect. Of course, whatever respect you gain from a woman is fleeting and as long as a woman has the option of surviving without you, which all Western societies currently offer them, they will never respect or honor their husbands as the Bible commands them to – which is in total submission, just as a Christian man is in total submission to God. For a woman, submission to God takes the form of submission to her husband. This concept is spelled out without ambiguity throughout the Old and New Testament.

[Ephesian 5:22-23 urging wives to be submitted to their husbands]

Everyone is having a hard time. Families are the single most important thing to me, and I absolutely want men to have the best chances possible in forming their own families. I do believe that the coming troubles may give people much better opportunities on that front, so single men should be prepared. Of course, there is going to be a massive wave of divorces in the first stages of this collapse, when the government is still offering women money and various other incentives if they leave their husbands, which they are going to be desiring to do because their husbands will be out of work. But I do believe that the government will not, in the longer term, be able to provide very much for a woman, and in such a situation a man who is capable of providing will be in a position where he can demand the woman submit to him.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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