[Quoting a random website] Evolutionary scientists believe that man has existed for one million years. Starting with just eight people having 2 children every 40 years, the total population of the earth today would be 10 to the 3000 power. There would be mountains of bones from the trillions of skeletons of those from past generations.
Well, you've learnt one thing today, mark. When you work with things you pulled out of your ass, you get nonsensical results. Now why don't you go back to the library and actually read some books on the subject.
Surely there's something wrong here? I've got two parents, 4 grand parents, 8 great grand parents, 16 great great grand parents etc etc so if we go back the 6000 years to the "creation" there must have been about 30 trillion people, and a snake, in the garden of Eden....or have I got it wrong again?
Oh well, back to smoking dope for jesus.
How, exactly, do they arrive at explosive population growth from the assumption that people are only having 2 kids each? Wouldn't this, if it's an average , mean a perfectly stable population? Or, if it's a maximum, represent a declining population? Are they ignoring the need for two biological parents, or assuming that these people are immortal?
And additional: (besides the fact that "marklondon2003" should urgently learn basic mathematics)
The countless famines, pandemies, wars, genocides, etc... which reduced human population greatly.
Most of those either often a direct cause of religion (wars, genocides), or an indirect cause of religions anti-scientific stance (famines, pandemies)
Not once have I seen this concept of overpolulation factored with all the things that have slowed it. Plagues alone in Europe took out 2/3rds of the population and plagues without definate statistical totals are reported centuries before.
Then theres child mortality, even 100 years ago it was much higher in the west and there are many countries where it's high to this day.
I think most these fucks don't even factor in people who have died of old age that should be subtracted
Most skeletons are dust in a matter of centuries.
Before the last 80 years or so, people often had as many kids as they could, as about half of the kids died before the age of five. Since the industrial revolution, which included the medical revolution, most kids actually survive into adulthood, so people only need to have two kids to keep a stable population.
Isn't a generation often seen as ten or twenty years? How come people only had two kids every 40 years in the past, in your story?
Evolutionary scientists believe that man has existed for one million years.
Anatomically modern human beings are first found 200,000 years ago. We don't see evidence of human beings showing modern behavior like producing art until 50,000 years ago. Archaic Homo sapiens evolved between 200,000 and 400,000 years ago. Our most recent common ancestor with Neanderthals lived 500,000 thousand years ago. The most recent common ancestor for humans and chimpanzees lived about 4 million years ago. The genus Homo first appeared around 2 million years ago. Maybe I'm missing something, but for all those possible definitions of "man," I don't see the one million years ago anywhere.
Starting with just eight people
Whoa. That's quite a bottleneck you've got there. Why would you start with 8 people? Is there anything in our genes that indicates that the human population ever reached a bottleneck of only 8 people?
having 2 children every 40 years
Why 2 children? Look I understand that infant and child mortality rates were much higher in the past, so less children would survive. But people also tended to have more children. Given that it's rare enough for women to have children after they've turned 40 even today and that it's quite likely most people wouldn't have lived to 40 in the distant past, why every 40 years? Where are you getting these numbers? The simple fact is, I can look at population growth in recent history and tell you, as a matter of fact, the human population does not consistently double every 40 years.
the total population of the earth today would be 10 to the 3000 power.
Well, given the completely arbitrary parameters you laid out, even assuming your math is correct, that answer is completely divorced from reality and means nothing. The population of the world today is around 7 billion.
There would be mountains of bones from the trillions of skeletons of those from past generations.
I can't check your numbers because they are so freaking arbitrary, but yeah, lots of people have died. But when people die we typically don't leave their bodies lying in huge heaps until their flesh rots away until we have mountains of bones. And not everyone dies at once. Why would you expect to see mountains of bones?
Famine, war, disease, old age.
These are only some of the reasons why you're wrong.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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