Today on “The 700 Club,” Pat Robertson went on one of his patented rants about anal sex, arguing that he will never change his mind about gay marriage until someone proves that anal sex can lead to pregnancy. Robertson told a viewer who wondered how gay people can identify as Christians that “the gays wants to control everything .”
“This is part of the left-wing agenda ,” he said, “to do away with Christian values and to substitute for Christian values the progressive concepts of morality .”
“You tell me if anybody, if you show me one couple that conceived a child through anal — through anal intercourse — just show me one in all the world, and I will say, ‘I agree with you and you are right.’ Show me one. There are 8 billion people, 7 billion, show me one time when a child was conceived by that kind of sexual activity ,” Robertson said. “It is unnatural, I’m sorry .”
Not all gay men do anal. My husbandgosh how I must love rubbing my perversion in people's faces and shoving it down their throatshe and I both prefer frot.
Either way, you're trying to use your dick again to define the world in binary penetrator-penetrated essentialisms. When a gay dude who likes knocking cocks with other guys calls out your phallocentric thinking, it's pretty sad.
Stay classy, Pat.
> until someone proves that anal sex can lead to pregnancy.
>Robertson told a viewer who wondered how gay people can identify as Christians that “the gays wants to control everything.”
Then that makes them ideal Christians (Muslims too) if that is the case.
Even if that were a strong argument against same-sex marriage for two men (and if you think that's a strong argument, I feel sorry for you), it does not provide any reason to oppose female-female marriages.
I always think repeatedly telling their flocks this is admitting just how stupid their followers are.
The related scare also reveals the massive level of stupidity in their ranks; If we allow gay marriage everyone will go gay, hetero families will fall apart and no more children will ever be born.
Also while you're all here, no matter how hard times get and how you just can't afford your medicine and decent food, you need to keep sending money to the fat billionaire!
Ah, yes, because your "god" that created and manages every minute detail of the entire universe, its hundreds of billions of galaxies, stars, planets, and all of its billions of life-forms is most concerned with which specific orifices are used by one tiny planet's carbon-based life-form's sexual practices.
And speaking of it being "unnatural", explain why heterosexual partners also enjoy anal sex.
Pat, why don't you show me one fucking hypocrite like you that can explain why fucking hypocrites like you ignore everything in your "book of morals" only to focus on one specific pronouncement that isn't even one of your fucking precious "Ten Commandments"?
Working on the Sabbath is fine, eating shellfish is fine, wearing clothes of mixed fabrics is fine, adultery is fine, divorce is fine, cutting your hair and beard is fine, not being a virgin on your wedding night is fine, not honoring your father and mother is fine, tattoos are fine, bearing false witness about diamond mines and exploiting other humans in pursuit of selfish financial goals are all fine, but gay sex, that's wrong, and you're for sure damned to hell forever if you do that.
So show you something completely impossible and only then you'll believe something that humans have been doing since before we were human?
That's a level of commitment to wilful ignorance that you rarely see.
Pat sure seems to have a strong fetish for anal sex.
1- Not all gay men like anal.
2- Many straight men and women enjoy anal.
3- If god doesn't like anal, why did it put men's g-spots up their asses?
nobody who doesn't have a serious anal fetish would spend half as much time or effort obsessing over it as pat does. speaking for myself, it's one of my more serious turn-offs and squicks, yet most of the time i find myself thinking about it at all it's because some fundie got quoted ranting about it on FSTDT.
Actually, Patty Cakes, anal sex is a hell of a lot more natural than the building you're sitting in, the communications technology you're using to con people out of their money and those private jets you bought with it. Guess you'd better give all those up, huh?
Still counts.
Yet he's happy to believe that one 'couple' conceived through no sex whatsoever (way before IVF or other artificial insemination, etc) and that the baby born was the human embodiment of God and ultimately had himself sacrificed in order to appease his own anger at humanity for doing exactly what he knew they would do when he created them: being evil by eating fruit even though, until they ate the fruit, they had no knowledge of good and evil. So there is that....
Jesus was part of the left-wing agenda. It's to bring fourth the teachings of Jesus and remove the teachings of Paul and the OT.
The progressive concepts of morality: Treat others as you want to be treated.
I have a Twitter "friend" who is a representative for the Left-wing Party in the Church council. (Left-wing Party as in they were the Left-wing Communist Party before 1990.)
I can show you one couple that didn't achieve a child through vaginal intercourse: I've had "missionary sex" for over a decade without the slightest sign of pregnancy.
Most people having anal are heterosexuals. It's especially popular in Catholic neighborhoods, I hear, where girls want to protect their vaginal virginity...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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