Angela C. Wild #sexist

The gaslighting of half the population into accepting men as women is a violent act. It forces women to deny what we know is true: That penis is a male organ, that people with penises are men, that we all know since girlhood that men who we find in women only spaces are not there with good intentions, peeping toms, exhibitionists.

Yet we are brainwashed into welcoming them, we are all scared to speak up precisely because we know they are men and we know the threat they potentially are. How can we trust a male bodied person to be able to represent women? In the nineteen century, when women did not yet gained the right to vote, men in power argued that women did not need the vote because they were already represented by their fathers, brothers, fathers etc... do we want to go back to those times? Liam Madigan is a mra, i am not sure why women, even critical women feel sorry for him?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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