various commenters #wingnut #racist #homophobia #transphobia

( @UniversalDelirium )
So, the jews over at Pornhub just admitted they're deliberately injecting homosexual themes into porn to convert straight males.

"As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come." - Henry Makow

Be mindful of the things you consume.

Nothing is "free." There is always a price.

( @JohnsonShoehorn )
@UniversalDelirium Stay away from Jew porn. It is a cess pool of mental illness but goyim and non Jews make up the bulk of the porn industry. Makow is anti zionists and has a good book about the propaganda known as feminism. First amendment does not give anyone the right to create social destruction by subversive means. Goldstein, Flint and Porn hub are an example of liberal Jews using the constitution in an illegal manner. Goldstein and Flint are dead and the new porn rabbi has a very unpleasant future.

( @LeFrog2300 )

As someone who tracks this, once the rabbi took over pornhub, gay and trans content started trending in the recommended videos page, whereas for years it never showed up anywhere in a feed unless you specifically searched for it.
Now, children clicking onto pornhub are bombarded with thumbnails of trannies jerking off.

( @SeamusShaggyTrousers )
@UniversalDelirium They've had ugly black dudes fucking hot white chicks from the get go. More of the same. And Jews wonder why they're despised everywhere they go.



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