Alloya #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot

My personal experience of these beings began many years ago whilst doing healing practices with my clients. I began to have people come to me with black slimy like tendrils inserted into their auric fields. I saw bundles of these tendrils gathered in the centre of the chakra, especially the solar plexus, the place of the ego. I worked on my clients with truth and light frequencies which worked very well for all other issues and problems. I was surprised to see that instead of healing the person, the light energy seemed to feed the Archons, giving them more power. One client in particular stayed in my mind, my client had come to me with depression and a constant fatigue. As I looked at her energy body I saw several long slimy tendrils, many gathered in her solar plexus, I tried to simply pull them out however I was unable. I called down the energy of her soul and aided her in breathing in the healing power of her soul, holding her in truth frequency I was shocked to see these tendrils take on more power and form. I watched as they developed from being simple tendril forms to embryos . She was becoming even more infected. I did not know what to do, it seemed the higher the energy I called upon the worse the situation became. I asked my soul which energy, which aspect could help in such a tricky situation. The answer was Satan. As you can imagine I was surprised to hear this.

Before I go on with this story I must tell you that I do not have the same judgements or fears around the being Satan as many in the new age circles. For me the satanic frequency is also part of creation and part of my overall multidimensional consciousness. With the permission of the client together we held the satanic frequency, encased her whole energy body in a black energy which the satanic frequency enabled. The satanic black energy seemed to suffocate the archontic parasites and after over an hour of holding this frequency my client was free of these archontic entities.

Over the next few years many more people came to me with these Archon entities. I gained almost no information about them and thus remained in ignorance. My next encounter with them was during a past life process which I was taken through by a teacher within a seminar. I found myself inside a planet, which was hollowed out. I was merged with the walls; it was as if the walls had grown around me. I was a human (not necessarily from earth); there were many more of us also trapped inside the walls. Inserted into our chakric systems were dark black slimy tendrils which passed a black liquid into our bodies. It was as if we were being used as a recycling apparatus, for this black liquid. I was in horror and had long since given up the idea of any rescue or freedom from this nightmare reality. I remote viewed the entity which resided in the centre of the planet, who was the owner of the black tendrils. It looked like a huge black slimy hydra slug like being. Like a huge black octopus feeding and excreting its waste directly into our bodies. As I left this past life memory I asked where am I? I was told in a planet in Orion orbiting the star of Rigel.

From this time I had more and more encounters with these archontic parasites, many people shifted their energy in front of me, becoming cold, angry, hostile and positively evil. Many of these people would act out of character being mean, and horrible to both themselves and others. I saw a grey cloudy light pass over the eyes and sometimes I would even see the eyes change colour. The person would suddenly act out of character, blaming, judging and accusing all people around them. Many of them were in positions of power in one form or another; they had the ability to hold other people to ransom and through the archontic infection were able to affect other people too. I saw the archontic infestation spreading from people’s auric fields to attach to other people bringing those people to anger and fear. This fed the archontic parasite and thus more and more people were becoming infected. Fear is their most preferred food , when we are afraid we leak our power and thus we become easy food for these vampiric archontic entities. At first I thought they were not as intelligent as I was mistaken to think of them as simple astral parasites. However the more encounters I had with them I began to realise that they were intelligent and the more they infested humankind the more intelligent they became. They were feeding off mankind’s ability to have imagination and creative abilities. They did not seem to have imagination themselves but had the ability to trigger and steer the creative imaginative powers of the human, for their agenda which was complete domination.

I began to see them turn up inside other people’s bodies; I began to have encounters with those who were fully possessed. There seemed to be a big difference between someone who was simply infected to one who had a full blown possession of an archontic entity. The archontic entity is not really fully formed when it first infects its host; it can even stay dormant for years before some rising of frequency awakens it. Once certain energy triggers its awakening it can feed off the energy which is broadcast from our DNA and begin a gestation process which results in an embryo parasite developing in the solar plexus. The parasite can go on to inhabit all the chakras but it seems to start its takeover process from within the ego centre in the solar plexus. From within the solar plexus the archontic entity begins to control the lower mind, the rational mind. It does not dwell in the conscious mind but burrows itself into the subconscious . From the place of the subconscious it can trigger issues, unresolved trauma and negative mind patterns which are damaging to both the host and all those around them. The archontic parasite can influence all the thoughts of the host and the host has no awareness that these thoughts are not their own and they are under the influence of an entity and will instead blame all around them. I often see those who are hosts to these parasites accuse other people for things they are doing themselves. They will blame other people for negative emotions, thoughts and opinions they actually hold themselves. They are caught in a mirroring game which they cannot get out of. When you interact with a person who is under an intense archontic episode you will notice that they think everyone around them are operating in their egos, and have negative intentions. They will throw out accusations which surprise those they accuse, they cannot see past their own projections and thus think everyone but themselves are at fault.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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