Because your essential oils, colloidal silver, and homeopathy water will do a much, much better job at preventing illness.
Is zika even a thing in the United States? Of course the "chemical free" repellent works, the virus isn't even there! What's next, "chemical free" protection against yellow fever made for nutty Americans?
As for the disease itself, me and my whole neighborhood is proof that zika is definitely real. When it's cold the one ankle that hurt for a damn month after the other symptoms left still gets achy. Thankfully no child that I know of was born microcephalic (most cases were very far from here). Speaking of... the microcephalic children are also very real and the doctors in my country are coming up with lots of therapy to improve their quality of life, no woo involved!
I think we now know why the pool at 2016 Rio was so green:
Mike Adams pissed in it: and the chemical indicator reacted*.
Hey, if a pinhead like you thinks that Zika doesn't exist, therefore...!
*- ...but hey, who am I to judge?
You were simply trying to create your own homeopathic cure for that mosquito-spread virus: and in bulk , Mikey-boy.
Looks like CSTDT still exists but this fits into both and honestly, forgive me for sounding a bit Conspiratorial myself FSTDT users but I find this kind of rhetoric dangerous. Granted not totally related but we had one of the worse seasons for flu. Many died. Not an exaggeration there. We also saw many deciding not to get vaccinated nor vaccinate their children which allowed people to make each other sick and allowed the virus to adapt and *gaps* evolve.
Hey there Mike, can I say something?
I am a woman who had a hysterectomy a few years ago. I also don't plan to travel to South America anytime soon. I don't need your preventative medicine to keep from getting the Zika virus.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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