[Atheist press charges for discrimination in the army]
It amazes me how on a daily basis Christians are asked, no wait ordered, to put their faith aside and NOT pray and the courts back it up. But yet it's not okay when the tables are turned. Interesting.......
"It amazes me how on a daily basis Christians are asked, no wait ordered, to put their faith aside and NOT pray and the courts back it up. But yet it's not okay when the tables are turned. Interesting......."
And when exactly are you asked, personally, not to pray? I don't mean forcing everyone around you to grovel to your skydaddy, I mean you alone are asked or told not only not to pray but that you cannot do so.
Atheists, oddly enough, are protected by freedom of religion also and, as such, cannot be discriminated against for their lack of belief.
A religious person being asked to NOT pray is not the same as a non-religious person being asked TO pray. Forcing someone to pray to the Christian God when they are not religious is the equivalent of forcing you to pray to the Hindu gods. I'm sure you would cry persecution then. But, when anyone else is forced to pray to your God, it is not a problem at all, is it?
The only time I have ever heard of a court ordering Christians not to pray, is because they were disrupting the court room with insane ramblings, chantings and shouting.
If an atheist kept yelling out that God doesn't exist in a court room I assume he would be ordered to shut up as well.
It amazes me how on a daily basis Christians are asked, no wait ordered, to put their faith aside and NOT pray and the courts back it up.
Nobody is forcing you to pray.
You just can't force others to pray for your god.
That is true.
In fact, Jesus also said that the openly religious already have their reward.
Only the ones that do not make a show of piety will go to "heaven"/
I asked my stepdad about this (he's a Catholic in the Army, so I figured he'd know) and he says that everyone's allowed to practice whatever religion they'd like. As long as they aren't doing it while they're supposed to, say, be shooting at enemies, or doing actual work.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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