Men are created with a wild, unbalanced energy. Since hair is a spiritual antenna, men keep the hair short in order to tame this energy and draw it down in a more balanced way. Women, on the other hand, were created with a perfect balance of energy. The problem is that the balance is so sensitive, that any leak in the system causes it to fall to dangerously low levels. Once such a weak and "darkened" energy exists, the dark side forces swarm like vultures to consume it. Unbeknownst to the woman, these forces wreak havoc on her and her family as well.
It's a snowball effect of magnanimous proportions. I would call it an "avalanche effect". An attractive married woman has a marriage that could use a serious boost in the romance department, kids that are rebellious, wild, and generally disrespectful, and her- maybe she's on anxiety meds or a lifelong diet. There's serious financial trouble- sky-high credit card debt and downsizing at her husband's office. Her life is anything but happily-ever-after. Does this sound too simplistic? Why does it need to be complicated? By covering her hair, everything will begin to fall into place. Of course, she must do her part and make every effort to correct her issues- but covering her hair will bring the energy of holiness into the home and everyone will be positively affected by it.
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