Which is why I - via Direct Debit from my bank account automatically every month - donate to Oxfam. By this method, I ensure that 100% of my donation goes to this major charity, and that all of it is used for projects in the Third World, because using DD, it goes directly into Oxfam's account; even making more for their project funding, as it accrues interest for them.
I saw in the past that if you 'pledge' your money to televangelists, who claim that money is going to what said evangelist claims, very little (if you're lucky) of that money you donate actually goes to what is claimed. The rest of it goes to rich people who don't deserve it.
Moral: Even though I pay tax (Kent Hovind, take note), and donate on a regular basis to Oxfam (also frequent charity shops; also put change in charity collection tins as & where they may be), being an Atheist works out cheaper in the long run. No 'Tithes' to pay, y'see; nor 'pledges' to televangelists, neither.
...but then, why does God require televangelists, or anyone else to spread the 'Good Word', for that matter? Surely he could do that himself? As a comedian once said:
'If God is the most powerful being in the universe, why does he need a bunch of bozos to do his P.R.?'
And why couldn't God create his own money, for that matter?!
Seems that it's not just Capt. James T. Kirk (in "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier") who can best God:
'What does God need with a starship?'
(one of the commenters on YouTube):
'Captain? Kirk meets God, and the first thing he does is sass back at him. You can't top that.'
@rubber chicken
Bugger. Next stop, the bank...!