It's not noble or "Christian" to love any kind of sinner just because they are lovable--it is Christian to love another as a response to the love God had for us on the cross.
So your supposed 'love' is based not on the fact that it should be done because it's the right thing to do, but for fear of some supposed sky fairy, that he might punish you for not doing it, or that you might not get rewarded for not doing it? That's pretty pathetic.
Actually, I'm not rating this one just yet.
"This is my main commandment: that you love one another as I have loved you" - Jesus Christ (attrib.)
People can be fairly unloveable, but Jesus loved us all anyway (or so this line of argument goes).
I'm having a hard time believing that you can just up and love what you formerly hated obsessively simply because you were told to, especially since most of you bigoted freaks are very, very obviously just going through the motions whilst often flatly admitting that, underneath it all, you still viscerally despise anyone who isn't exactly like you in every possible way. I'm not saying it's not possible to learn not to hate, but it requires a fundamental change in your whole perception of life, not just orders from an authority you dare not cross. You claim yours is a religion of love, yet, more often than not, everything you write even while trying to express that love seems couched in terms of hatred.
It is noble for an Atheist to respect someone who is regarded by Xtian fundies as a 'sinner' (as long as they haven't harmed others or their property).
Thus proof that Humanism is superior to Christianity.
It was Gandhi who said "Hate the sin, love the sinner", wasn't it?
I'll do without Christian "love", thank you. That kind of love can - and often does - kill.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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