State of the Nation #wingnut #quack #conspiracy
Without any doubt whatsoever, the Biden Adminstration and U.S. Intelligence Community (all 17 alphabet agencies) are now on a very serious mission to irreversibly demonize the entire Covid Truth Movement.
The NWO perpetrators of OPERATION COVID-19 really have no choice at this point as the various Truth Movements have become so successful at disseminating life-saving information and data across the planet.
This stark reality for the CORONAhoax perps has made them desperate, reckless and brazen to the extreme. They are literally operating like cornered rats, which the truly are, and, therefore, they are quite likely to devastate the truth-seeking movements by any means necessary and every means possible. They don’t care how much collateral damage is done, or how many innocent people are killed in the process. Remember, these are the very same genocidal criminals behind the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks against the American people, so what won’t they do.
Along with revealing the criminal details of that HUGE election fraud that saw POTUS imposter unlawfully installed in the Oval Office, the same liberal perps are just as desperate to steal the 2022 midterm elections. This can only be accomplished by falsely perpetuating the ongoing COVIDcon farce right through the present election cycle. Hence, false flag terrorism will be employed by the perfidious perps at every turn necessary.
Given these harrowing developments for the Democrats traitors, Deep State enablers, NWO globalists manipulators, and treacherous Bidenites, they will resort to a series of false flag 9/11-level terrorist attacks in order to malign the good American people intent on exposing the Covid crime wave; what is actually an immense Covid crime tidal wave.