Atheists do not think logically and analytically. If they thought logically and analytically then they would come to the logical and analytical conclusion that there is a Supreme Intelligence at work governing the universe. I use logic and analytical thinking and that is why I not only believe in God but I believe that Christ is God Incarnate and that God is a Holy Trinity consisiting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that is why I received Christ as my Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. You atheists should try praying to Christ and ask Him to come into your heart and cleanse you of all sins and become your Savior. Just pray "Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. In thy name. Amen."
You know, the reason I don't see myself as an athiest, the reason I don't laugh at all religion, is that I can see things in this world that would indeed suggest the presence of some sort of outside force acting upon the formation of life in the world. I can see how people would think there was a higher power... But these suggestions are very vague, like seeing a pattern in the sand on a beach that looks too artistic to be natural, and thinking maybe someone sculpted it that way. There's no way to say who did it, or know anything about them... or to even prove it wasn't just the wind or water moving in an unusual way.
But how do they get all these specifics? The trinity? The saviour? The totally unreasonable list of sins!? What did all THAT come from? I vote 'weird plants eaten in the desert by starving middle-eastern nomads'.
I use logic and analytical thinking and that is why I not only believe in God but I believe that Christ is God Incarnate and that God is a Holy Trinity consisiting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that is why I received Christ as my Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior.
Logic, huh? I for one would find that a lot easier to believe (ie, a finite amount!) if you'd show your working.
Logical thinking what?. I asume that there is an intelligent Designer, ok, but why necessarily the one outlined in the Bible?, second, why Jesus Christ is the son of God?, where do you extract, through logic, that some amorous entity has got descendency?. You give logic a bad name.
Uuuuuh, nothin'.
BTW, I used logic and analytical thought in realizing that God and Jesus don't exist. using those tools, that is the only conclusion one can come to.
Uh... all right?
"Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. In thy name. Amen."
Hmm... his answer was, "Shut the hell up until you learn to construct sentences properly. Also, quit asking me to be your savior, god damn it."
Indeed, Georgie, that´s not what the church has explained. In fact, Saint Agustine can tell you an anecdote he had trying to explain the Trinity to a boy. I agree that by logic you may think about the existence of God, but the fact that there are as many as thousand religions in the world confirms the fact that there is no agreement in this "logic". Second, the things that, according to you, if using logic should lead immediately to, are DOGMA OF FAITH. That is, is something that can´t be explained, you have to believe it, in other words, either you believe it or not. You may have come to that conclusion for whatever reason, very respectable indeed, but don´t expect it to be universal for everybody because you´re unable to explain it, to begin with. Moreover, the stance of the prayer parts from a wrong notion, that all atheists are run-away Christians but think carefully, do you speak to a person that either doesn´t exist or you don´t know that it exists?, man, a prayer is a talk to God.
You're saying God wanted humans to torture and kill his son -- which really was he himself, ya know, the "Trinity" -- as a sacrifice -- to himself again -- just so he could stand to be around us, the supposed acme of his creation?
Your God is insane.
I received Christ as my Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior.
What, Jesus is a Paladin now?
Pshaw. Everybody knows Jesus was a Shaman .
So, I notice your post is devoid of logic and analysis, and instead contains only superstition and dogma.
Please trust to your brand of logic and analysis when you step off a cliff trusting to your Lord Jesus to save you. I'll be the one giving your trajectory as a ballistics problem to my students.
If by analytically and logically you mean "The bible says so and since my parents told me the bible cannot be wrong, that means it cannot be wrong! Ever! Ha!" Then yes, you really did come to that conclusion logically and analytically.
In the mean time, leave the real (as in, the ones who actually practice free thought and know what it actually is) free thinkers alone, why don't you?
"Atheists do not think logically and analytically. If they thought logically and analytically then they would come to the logical and analytical conclusion that there is a Supreme Intelligence at work governing the universe. I use logic and analytical thinking and that is why I not only believe in God but I believe that Christ is God Incarnate and that God is a Holy Trinity consisiting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that is why I received Christ as my Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. You atheists should try praying to Christ and ask Him to come into your heart and cleanse you of all sins and become your Savior. Just pray "Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. In thy name. Amen."
How come when we all prayed for my husband's cousin to stay alive, he still died, before the age of 20? Where was your "logical" God then?
Why were the mine workers in Chile saved, but the mine workers in other collapsed mines around the world were not?
Why is the earthquake-stricken Haiti now plagued by Cholera? Haiti is a predominantly Christian nation. Where is your analytic God?
“You atheists should try praying to Christ and ask Him to come into your heart and cleanse you of all sins and become your Savior.”
Wait. YOU said that YOU used logic and analytical thinking and came to Jesus, right? Then would that also work for people thinking they’re logical and analytical? You appealed to L&AT four bloody times.
Show you logic. Describe your analysis.
Giving a magical being magical permission to rewrite my personality isn’t logical. At least not until we’re convinced that such a being exists and that we can contact Him instead of any random floating demon with a good Godmask on.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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