George Yurich #fundie

Atheists do not think logically and analytically. If they thought logically and analytically then they would come to the logical and analytical conclusion that there is a Supreme Intelligence at work governing the universe. I use logic and analytical thinking and that is why I not only believe in God but I believe that Christ is God Incarnate and that God is a Holy Trinity consisiting of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that is why I received Christ as my Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. You atheists should try praying to Christ and ask Him to come into your heart and cleanse you of all sins and become your Savior. Just pray "Lord Jesus I ask you to come into my heart and cleanse me of all sins and become my Savior. In thy name. Amen."



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