the bible doesn't say that Noah, living hundreds of years old, brought every species on the ark with him. the bible says that Noah, living hundreds of years old, brought two animals of every 'KIND' on the ark with him. and as to the 'cubit', a cubit is length between elbow to fingertip. the bible says, "there were giants in the earth in those days" and there has been hundreds of giant bones found to reinforce this. so, their cubit was much larger than ours.
And what does KIND mean, exactly, mindless?
Increasing the size of the Ark does not solve any of the problems. What materials did he use? How did Noah keep it from collapsing under its own weight?
You realize, of course, the more assumptions you make, the less feasible it becomes.
Sigh, what did they do with the dung? How do you explain marsupials only existing in Australia? How do you explain Emperor Penguins only existing in Antarctica? Don't you know that the air would have been so saturated with water vapor that Noah, his family, and the animals, would have drowned by just breathing? What did Noah and his family eat for the first few years after the flood? All plant life would have been destroyed, and you'd have to wait for the animals to make plenty of babies before you can start killing them for food. I could go on.
the bible doesn't say that Noah, living hundreds of years old, brought every species on the ark with him. the bible says that Noah, living hundreds of years old, brought two animals of every 'KIND'...
And then after the Flood abated, those "kinds" underwent "super-evolution" in order to account for the billions of species we have today.
...a cubit is length between elbow to fingertip. the bible says, "there were giants in the earth in those days" and there has been hundreds of giant bones found...
Adjust the measurement parameters all you like. It won't change the fact that the Ark would have been far larger than even 21st century engineering could manage, due entirely to inherent limitations of wood as a building material.
Genesis 7:20 "Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. "
Apparently, the tallest mountan is less than 15 cubits high.
Mount everest is just shy of 30000 feet.
1 cubit is therefore 30000/15 = 2000 feet, or 666 meters.
a cubit is length between elbow to fingertip.
Good luck finding fossils of humans that had fore-arms of about a third of a mile long.
the bible doesn't say that Noah, living hundreds of years old, brought every species on the ark with him. the bible says that Noah, living hundreds of years old, brought two animals of every 'KIND' on the ark with him.
Species has a specific definition in biology. We've yet to figure out what the word 'kind' is referring to exactly, no matter how often idiots like you, Ken Ham, or Kent Hovind use the word 'kind' to describe animals. Maybe you'd care to enlighten us for once?
and as to the 'cubit', a cubit is length between elbow to fingertip. the bible says, "there were giants in the earth in those days" and there has been hundreds of giant bones found to reinforce this. so, their cubit was much larger than ours.
Hundreds of giant bones? WTF? What the hell are you talking about? Dinosaurs? Larger ape ancestors? Seriously, make some fucking citations.
Would help if theses nitwits even knew their own book never mind talking nonsense about giants' bones
"Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee seven and seven, the male and his female; and of the beasts that are not clean two, the male and his female "
For Creationists the word Kind is very useful ,as they refuse to give an accurate definition of it in the way they use it.
Sometimes it is a species and sometimes it isn't depending on what they are arguing at the time and I have even seen them change definitions part way through an argument .
I have come to the conclusion that are are either deceitful or gullible (with a large amount of ignorance thrown in )
Noah was a giant and we're all descended from him. Right. And presumably you're arguing stuff like "a pair of cat-kind evolved into all the different cat-species in the '4,000 years' since 'the flood'". Right. And there've been hundreds of Giant Human bones found. Right.
Or here's a radical hypothesis, but it just might be true- it's all a badly retold version of pagan mythology.
"1 cubit is therefore 30000/15 = 2000 feet, or 666 meters."
Oh, damn, that's funny. XD
This comes down to the difference between Kind and Species;
The length of a cubit.
Something that is clearly allegorical is now being taken by the grandidiocy of fundamentalism as absolute proof. Pass me the puke bucket, please.
Evolution over millions of years, statistically impossible
Evolution over 4,000 years, completely plausible
Genesis to be taken literally
Words of Jesus need to be interpreted correctly
And then they wonder why nobody takes them seriously
Well, in order for Noah and his ilk to be giants, the oxygen level 4400 years ago would have to be much, much higher than now, and we have no evidence to support that. Not only that, if Man was the only species much larger than today, Noah would've not been able to find enough food, animals or not.
Unlike you, we choose to discard hypotheses with far too many unexplainable holes. Give it up.
Now, define "kind". Nightmare mode: do it without allowing humans and chimps to be in the same "kind".
"Hundreds of giant bones? WTF? What the hell are you talking about? Dinosaurs? Larger ape ancestors? Seriously, make some fucking citations."
There are lots of reports of giant skeletons being discovered, though iirc none of them have ever been verified...
"Where are the bones?!" they cried. And lo, the overmind (AKA homunculus)obliged... with this...
Ouch. Take a close look at the thumb of the right hand of the central archaeologist. The hand held over the painfully-obviously-photoshopped skull. There's a big patch of shadow on the end of it. Clearly the photoshop artist mistook it for a finger and made it too long. It's real amateur hour stuff.
I'll give him this though; giant cubits. It's original.
"Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee seven and seven, the male and his female; and of the beasts that are not clean two, the male and his female "
How would Noah have known what beasts are "clean" since God didn't lay down the cleanliness laws till thousands of year later?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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