“This happens in all cases where people are oppressed and lack representation,” continued Fritz. “We will have gay and lesbian people strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up churches. All it will take is one or two more losses like this. If marriage equality is taken away in one of the landmark states, we will see domestic terrorism arise very quickly. — In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”
"We will have gay and lesbian people strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up churches."
Yep. We all know Timmy McVeigh was quite the lisping flamer. But yeah no, no christian would ever blow up a building. I still wonder though about all those abortion clinics that spontaneously combusted.
"In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles"
Yes. Poor fundie christians. They would never do something like this. They would never, say, beat someone to a bloody pulp and leave him tied to a fence to die.
"I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”
So what happened after you called the police? Or have you not gotten around to making up that part of the story?
Well if you really believe this, then just give them the right to marry and there will be no oppression or lack of representation.
There you go, problem solved.
“This happens in all cases where people are oppressed and lack representation,”
Then what do you think should be done?
So...in order to PREVENT domestic terrorism, the United States should immediately institute gay marriage.
It's like, on one hand he's calling gays violent for no reason, but on the other, he's making an argument FOR actually giving them their rights.
"In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”
And you reported this to the police.
I wonder if we can see a copy of your sworn witness statement please ?
This is weird. Fritz uses liberal language--he says that gays are oppressed, and terms same-sex marriage "marriage equality." Based on the context the site gives, he seems to be a liberal who's genuinely scared of what "militant homosexuals" (not his words but I bet he'd agree) are going to do. Like, "I agree with your cause but don't kill anybody!" At least, that's how Americans for Truth is portraying it.
I would think that if there were any truth to this sort of thing, Fox News would be on it in a millisecond. Hell, they'd be on it even if there weren't any truth to it. I guess Fritz must be a reverse Poe, who was doubly quoted out of context to make him seem like a regular Poe. Weird as all hell, this one.
I don't get it either, weh. Reverse poe? Fantasy? regardless, how does something some anonymous idiot said in a blog amount to anything? And how does one death threat turn into a ghey violence conspiracy? The fact renains that the number of christians killed by gays=0. How does that equation work the other way around?
"In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”
How exactly did you know they were gays & lesbians? What gave them away.
What bullshit. That's not what happened! The gays weren't using baseball bats. They were running around like effeminates and screaming while the lesbians were attacking people with hockey sticks!
(I like making shit up too.)
They were wearing pink Spandex and Leather, and the riots were California.
And those weren't Baseball bats.
"I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles. ”
And you recognized them as gay & lesbian, how?
By the fact they looked and acted like republicans Larry Craig and Mark Foley!
“This happens in all cases where people are oppressed and lack representation,”
So you admit that Gays are oppressed--and you're blaming them for it?
You fucking turd.
Yeah, just like how interracial couples have been strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up churches...
If anyone's guilty of domestic terrorism, it's been the Christians. Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder, Shelley Shannon...
How can you witness something that never happened? Wait, you're a Christian, which means you believe in a Bible filled with made-up "eyewitness" stories like this, so this isn't much of a stretch.
EDIT: You should post the entire name of the propaganda site this came from. It's Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and it's everything but the truth.
Doing a bit of reconnaissance, here's more of the context:
Matt Barber, Liberty Counsel’s Director of Cultural Affairs, issued a statement shortly after Maine’s marriage victory (posted with additional commentary at AmericansForTruth.com). In reaction to that statement, blog poster “ColdCountry” wrote: “Will someone please give me a gun?” Poster “Fritz” warned: “What I fear is that once gay and lesbian people give up hope of achieving equality through nonviolent means, there will be radicals who will begin to hunt down haters
All it will take is a small group of radical zealots who are willing to kill for their cause.”
In reply to Fritz, “tex” posted: “Fritz
.you say this like it’s a bad thing? Maybe a bit of well organized terrorism is just what we need.”
“This happens in all cases where people are oppressed and lack representation,” continued Fritz. “We will have gay and lesbian people strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up churches. All it will take is one or two more losses like this. If marriage equality is taken away in one of the landmark states, we will see domestic terrorism arise very quickly.
In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”
“tex” reiterated: “Still not seeing this as a bad thing Fritz
[African gay activists] didn’t gain their civil rights through being passive.”
Of course, the site is being a little disingenuous with the way they did the last bracket. Tex was obviously referring to African activists in general, not just the homosexual ones.
Wehpudicabok said: "I would think that if there were any truth to this sort of thing, Fox News would be on it in a millisecond."
Well, Dildo Reilly was on about the lesbian gangs and "clustered gays" at a gay night at some baseball game.
I don't recall that the supposed lesbian gang members or the "clustered gays" were blowing up any churches.
But Dildo Reilly probably got a big boner thinking about the lesbian chicks.
"In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”
Proverbs 12:17
A truthful witness gives honest testimony, but a false witness tells lies.
"“We will have gay and lesbian people strapping bombs to their chests and blowing up churches"
1) That is more like a Muslim fundie. Which has more in common with you than a homosexual. Hell their book is based heavily in the Old Testament.
2) [Baird from GoW] Did anyone else's bullshit meter go off?[/Baird]
"All it will take is one or two more losses like this. If marriage equality is taken away in one of the landmark states, we will see domestic terrorism arise very quickly.
We have seen it arise more. But we had it from Timothy McVeigh, David Koresh and Eric Roudolph. Or do they not count?
He actually impersonated Zeus Almighty?
Everyone, don some Red Dragon Scale Mail. We're going to need it to live through this...
Hey, we got us a troll! They had enough time to look up the name of a common FSTDTer to impersonate, but not enough time to come up with arguments that haven't been refuted a thousand times over! Wow! Not to mention that that's completely irrelevant to this thread.
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this guy SUPPORTING gay marriage?
His argument seems to be if we keep denying homosexuals their marriage equality then they will get violent like any other oppressed minority.
Somebody is copycatting Muslims and radical Christians. And by the way, isn't that supposed to happen if their DEMANDS ARE NOT MET. Please, if you are going to lie, lie a little better. If there were gays and Lesbians back then doing that, we'd have known, remember?. Bush was in power.
In 1991, I witnessed gay and lesbian activists setting fire to buildings and beating people with baseball bats in Los Angeles.”
No, you didn't, you lying sack of shit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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