why do you discredit a creationist site? They normaly are less bais than evolutionist sites, many evolutionist seem to ignore many problems with their theroy, and create invalid problems with some of the creationist's theroys.
Why do you discredit an evolutionist site? They are always less bias than Christian sites, many Christian sites seem to ignore many problems with their theories, and create invalid problems with some of the evolutionist's theories.
"why do you discredit a creationist site?"
Because they are full of falcified evidence, physical impossibilities and pseudo-science.
"They normaly are less bais than evolutionist sites"
Bias:a particular tendency or inclination, esp. one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice.
Theory of Evolution takes facts found by scientists and revises the theory to match reality.
Creationists start from a false pramise (Goddidit) and twist the empirical evidence to suite their own worldview.
Which one is biased again?
"many evolutionist seem to ignore many problems with their theroy"
Show me an instance where evolution proponents have disqualified peer reviewed data contradicting ToE. There is a constant stream of new data being brought up BY the evolution scientists and the ToE is being revised and corrected all the time. This is how scientific theory is shaped to more accurately represent the real world.
"and create invalid problems with some of the creationist's theroys."
The problems in creationist claims are a product of their pseudo-scientific jargon and outright fallacies in physics, chemistry and geology. By definition a scientific theory can't be faced with "invalid problems", a theory should be always criticized and a good theory meets and explains the problems away.
Congratulations, invasionpunk,
You ability to think is perfectly matched by your ability to write English.
First and foremost props to Meph and Philbert McAdamia. I salute the both of you.
Secondly, invasionpunk, you're full of shit.
Please say English is not your first or second language. Please!
"bais"? If you had used a J instead of I, it would have been the Swedish word for excrement. And no, creationists sites are much more filled with excrement than evolutionist sites (if they even exist).
Why create invalid problem, when creationism is filled with real valid problems?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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