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Thule group was Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff (Rudolf Glauer) who had direct contact with the Dervish Orders and knew a great deal
about Islamic mysticism, particularly Sufism in all its aspects. He also had contact with Herman Pohl, leader of the German Order
Walvater of the Holy Grail.

Nazi occultism was a mixture of influences and a host of interrelated secret societies, including the Bavarian Illuminati,
the Knights Templar, the Teutonic Knights, the Holy Vehm, the Golden Dawn, the Rosy-Cross, the Vril Society, the German Order and its
offshoot, the Thule Society.

Thule is known as the capital of Hyperborea, in the polar regions. Also known as "Ultima Thule", it was the gateway to other worlds.

It was known to serve as both a place to leave the earth and a place on the rim of the opening to the "hollow earth". It is interesting
to note that the major powers of the earth have microwave stations setup in the area, broadcasting ELF waves on brain-wave freqencies.
Tradition has it that Hyperboreans were in contact with various "alien cultures". War supposedly broke out between the Hyperboreans
and other civilizations (atomic war).

Descendants of the Thule caste (Celts) emigrated elsewhere to other areas of the planet. They colonized these areas, driven by "memory
chromosomes" inherited from their space-travelling ancestors. These star seed people are mostly of Celtic origin (Basques, Irish,
English, Norsemen, Icelanders, Bretons, Spaniards and Portuguese) which, strangely enough, make up the largest percentage of RH-
NEGATIVE blood types.

Current neo-Nazis are allegedly trying to locate and control these people. Apparently, most contactees have RH-blood type. Are UFO
cultures tracking their own "cross-breeds"?

The Grand Lodge of Vril was seeking to re-unite the ancient Aryan traditions and to make contact with the original super-human
"luminous race" and to make an alliance with beings who have secret sanctuaries hidden inside the planet.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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