If we asked a doctor what he thought about me drugging and raping baloney_detector [another poster] he would surely say in his clinical judgement no medical harm was done.
I am saying that we SHOULD provide pain relief as a matter of course to foetuses but this will not eliminate the moral issue.
"If we asked a doctor what he thought about me drugging and raping baloney_detector [a female poster] he would surely say in his clinical judgement no medical harm was done."
Firstly, just because someone has "Dr." before their name does not make them a midical doctor. Secondly, if they said this they wouldn't be called "Dr." for long as their credentials would (or at least should) be quickly removed from them.
Isn't it nice how people with no understanding of science or medicine always try to tell everyone what people who are trained in science and medicine would tell people?
Oh, and re:"I am saying that we SHOULD provide pain relief as a matter of course to foetuses but this will not eliminate the moral issue"
Yeah... I'm pretty sure that would be less-than-healthy for a fetus.
Well then, let's drug you and have some of the boys rape you. After all, I'm sure no medical harm would be done.
I am saying that we SHOULD provide pain relief as a matter of course to reasonable people who have to endure your mindless rants but this will not eliminate the moral issue."
he would surely say in his clinical judgement no medical harm was done.
But what about psychological damages? the body might not be hurt but the mind will be.
I am saying that we SHOULD provide pain relief as a matter of course to foetuses but this will not eliminate the moral issue.
Why do you have to provide a "thing" that doesn't feel anything with pain relief?
Maybe not so fundie after all. Still arguing abortion is wrong but keypointist is actually saying that even though baloney_detector would not suffer 'medical harm' if they were unconscious while being raped (I think that is mistaken but let's leave it for now), this would not undo the fact that rape is a moral wrong. keypointist is trying to say that, similarly, providing pain relief to a fetus before abortion does not undo the moral wrong (keypointist sees it) of aborting it.
As far as I'm aware a fetus can feel pain but embryos (which are mostly what are aborted) don't, so there would be no point providing pain relief. Maybe I'm being too generous here but my interpretation is:
I think abortion is wrong, but if you must then at least be humane about it.
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