theantifeminist #fundie

@anonymous – you seem to miss the point of the article. If finding teenage girls was immoral, then it would not be my business to promote immorality here. However, given your lack of arguments as to why it should be wrong, then a clearer reason is presented as to why society (through feminism) holds it to be wrong – female sexual jealousy.

Secondly, if we are hardwired to find young females to be attractive, it is because the genes of those who found young nubile girls attractive (and indeed acted upon that attraction) predominate in the population. In other words, you are here today to write such crap because your ancestors fucked young girls, throughout our evolutionary history. If there was something about such sexual relationships that left teenage girls psychologically harmed and compromised in their ability to function as mothers (and bear more children) their genes would not have survived. The idea that there is something inherent in a sexual act between young girl and older man that would leave her damaged is a feminist fiction that has no basis in science or empirical study.

And don’t give this shaming canard of ‘we are not monkeys’. It is you and your feminist scum sisters who are the monkeys – unable to divorce sex and your own broodmare needs from morality and in fact reifying your most basic and primitive physical needs and desires.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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