Me? I'm going to pretend that "Global Warming" is true for a moment.
I look forward to seeing vast corn fields in northern Canada and Siberia. I look forward to the additional rainfall from "the greenhouse" (tremble, please) turning our deserts into lush, fertile plains where new cities will spring up to take in the "overflow" from the "growing population". I look forward to it being warmer the year round, to the new citrus groves in Ohio and the rest of the Midwest. I look forward to the auto and aircraft industries expanding to supply transportation for the expanded populations in our northernmost regions. And I really look forward to San Francisco being underwater!
And I look forward to seeing the millions of floating barges you'll need to come up with to grow wheat and corn in the festering swamps that were once arctic permafrost, since the soils in the subarctic are thin, poorly-drained and just plain poor. I look forward to once-lush and productive farmland, including much of the American South, becoming barren semidesert that doesn't support anything but scrub. I look forward to massive global crop failures due to spreading plant diseases and erratic rainfall patterns and temperatures. I look forward to millions of people dying of tropical diseases spreading far beyond their traditional range, and entire nations in low-lying areas being literally wiped from existence along with coastal regions of many others, including this one. And I really look forward to wars as nations go to war over still-productive farmland and water supplies, millions of displaced, starving refugees do what comes naturally and try to survive come hell or high water, and energy prices skyrocket past anything man has ever seen.
There. Fixed to reflect reality.
Do you also look forward to being unable to breathe? Since the oceans' temperatures are rising, corals and algae are starting to die off, and they're significan't sources of photosynthetic oxygen output, more important than land plants even. So I hope you're looking forward to only breathing half the oxygen you're used to.
The consequence of "Global Warming" are unpredictable. They may be beneficial or otherwise. Nobody can tell at this time.
"Global Warming" has been going on (with ups and downs) for more than 10,000 years. It is not new. The issue now is human causation, which may be true, but has not been proven to a scientific certainty.
"Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future." -- Niels Bohr, Nobel laureate in Physics.
"The issue now is human causation, which may be true, but has not been proven to a scientific certainty."
So, 97% of actively publishing climate scientists agreeing isn't "proven to a scientific certainty"?
"Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position."
Another way to look at it.
Are you looking for WWIII, when the people displaced by rising seas and starving because of drought come looking for land? Because that's what'll happen, inevitably, in your scenario.
I like how this jackass doesn't seem to care that San Francisco will be destroyed. Not only is that a typical ignorant bit of fundy homophobia, but doesn't he ever comprehend that there may be Christians, even fundamentalist Christians, living in that city. Not EVERYONE in San Francisco is gay!
Are you looking forward to massive insect infestations, die-offs of local fauna, and ocean acidification? How about if you wind up with largely the same climate you have now, but with the addition of a heat spike in the middle of each summer that kills crops and livestock?
Are you looking forward to major uncertainty in future planning? Your local area may "luck out", allowing you to grow citrus where you couldn't before. Do you think the climate will magically stop changing once it gets to a point you happen to like? Will anyone invest in a citrus industry that may only have a lifespan of a decade or so?
Of course, I see from your crap degree, you won't care. You'll always be able to shake a few dollars loose from the yokels during bounty or blight. If the weather is good, it's only because of devine providence, and bound to be taken away if people don't get right with Jezus soon. It the weather is bad, it's devine punishment, and people need to get right with Jezus soon or it will get worse. But pass the plate brother, god needs your money now!
I just Googled 'Dr. Samuel C. Gipp'.
He has the potential to be a new and better Bro Randy, just as bat-shit insane but without the paedophilic (not so) subtext. I'd be interested to know where his 'Doctorate' is from (as his website doesn't tell you).
Edit, just found it; the at-the-time unaccredited degree-mill 'Bob Jones University'. Quelle surprise.
I have an answer to Climate-Change deniers....Even if Climate Change wasn't human-made, it still makes sense to "Go Green" because only an idiot would want to live in filth!
These guys are the equivalent of hoarders and other people prone to messy garbage-houses.
I'd like my trees, fresh air, clean water and less cancer, thankyouverymuch!
If that's the case, I hope it doesn't get that far. I don't want to live in a Mad Max movie! *BLEHHHH*
"I look forward to seeing vast corn fields in northern Canada and Siberia."
Do you also look forward to vast sand in Nebraska? And Ohio will not have orange groves, it will have sand dunes.
I look forward to the additional rainfall from "the greenhouse" (tremble, please) turning our deserts into lush, fertile plains where new cities will spring up to take in the "overflow" from the "growing population".
Two things:
1. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
2. The hell is up with the "quotation marks" around "growing populaton" and "overflow"? "Do" you not believe "that" the population "is" growing?
The films "Sunshine", "Interstellar" & "Elysium" are not documentaries.
...that's why Siemens expanded it's wind turbine production facilities here in Hull. Oh, and why the UK is at the forefront of research into GM crops.
Otherwise, ask yourself this question: Why is a major German engineering company investing heavily in a country outside their own, and new strains of food crops being genetically engineered so as to thrive in hotter & less fertile conditions?
You got to admit that last line was pretty funny.
Do you also look forward to the mass extinction of many species that we count on to survive, like, oh I don't know, the insects that pollinate the plants?
Yeah...nothing you mentioned is likely to happen. Where did you even get those ideas from? The world will not be greener and more lush if it continues to warm, idiot. It will be battered by unfiltered UV rays and turn into a barren wasteland.
I love me some Fallout 3 . Doesn't mean I wanna fucking live in it.
That last line may be a joke, but I think it does represent a certain middle American attitude that Global Warming will hurt other people, who they don't like anyway. This comes from the same place as preachers gloating whenever a disaster hits a liberal region.
This kind of shit makes a part of me root for tornados in Oklahoma. Maybe a plague or two would shake a few asaholes out of their selfish complacency.
"And I really look forward to San Francisco being underwater!"
Look, I know you like the first "Superman" film, as well as the new Dwayne 'Rock' Johnson one "San Andreas", but watching them too many times isn't healthy, you know! Nor will repeated viewings make them become documentaries . [/hyper-sarcasm]
@Lucifer's Penis
"Isn't "Gipp" a British slang term meaning to projectile vomit?"
Not to my knowledge; there is the term 'Gyp' referring to localised pain, as in 'My back's giving me gyp again!'.
Seems that climate change is giving Sammy-boy gyp : as in pain localised in the Gluteal region, commonly known as Butthurt .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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