I am surprised that men do not hysterically laugh
At the preposterous notion of evolution.
Seems any lie will do for those who reject God’s Word as true;
Surely this is the reason they cling to such fables.
As if saying it happened billions of years ago
Lends credibility to this adult fairy tale.
Who knew that scientists were in the business of scratching ears?
That evidence backs creation is not what men want to hear.
For they neither want to answer to their Creator,
Nor acknowledge their sins in humility and repentance.
They would rather think “chance” brought them into existence.
This theory is not scientific, nor does it make sense.
Yet it is peddled in our schools as absolute truth.
And we wonder why we have self-destructive, murderous youth?
These men want to avoid the fact that they will face God’s wrath.
For “sin leads to death” and “all have sinned” as it is written.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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