name one person who is famous for being an atheist who WASN'T a user of cocaine and who is respected
Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Billy Joel, Mark Twain.
Most people aren't known for being atheists, they are known for other things.
It's like saying, "Name one person who is famous for being a Christian. But for no other reason. They can't have done anything important, ever."
Yeah, because all atheists are coke heads who everyone despises or something.
Also you can use coke and be respected.
Epicurus was deist.
He taught that pleasure and pain are the measures of what is good and bad, [...] that the gods do not reward or punish humans[...]
By you or in general? Because it seems to me that you don't respect any atheist and therefore your demand is idiotic.
However, in general, many non cocaine atheists have been elevated to fame and are respected.
@posters: Carl Sagan might be considered an atheist, however, he denied such claims and usually went by agnostic. Einstein was a skeptic but I don't think he considered himself an atheist.
Wether someone believes there might be a god really isn't important. It is skepticism of dogma that I tend to appreciate in an individual.
My landlord. Not that he's famous for being an atheist, but he doesn't even smoke or drink, and he's pretty damned well-respected. More so, I dare say, than you could ever dream of being.
To Ranger Joe:
"I believe in Spinoza's God, who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a God Who concerns Himself with the fate and the doings of mankind."
"My position concerning God is that of an agnostic. I am convinced that a vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and ennoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment."
"I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth."
He was agnostic, I think. >_>
Are you saying that all atheists do cocaine? 0o I'm seriously anti-religious, but I'm even more so anti-drug. I'm an atheist. I can't claim much in the way of fame, though, so.
You also have to consider that drug usage isn't sinful in the atheist's mind (negative in one light or another, quite possibly, but not an inherently evil act), so it doesn't make a famous atheist an inherently bad person. It makes me sad how one-sided the perspectives of so many people is, Christians, other theists, and atheists all alike.
I find the rest of his post quite humorous as well. In response to calling America hell at the thought of visiting it, he says he's proud to be American and suggest that the country is innately superior to all others.
"George fucking Carlin?? "
Much as I loved the guy, I'm pretty sure he's done every drug in the book.
Mister Spak FTW!
For the record, Einstein said he believed in "Spinoza's god". Baruch Spinoza is the father of modern pantheism, which isn't technically atheism or agnosticism. Pantheists believe that all natural things collectively make up "god". This view of god is completley imminent, as opposed to transcendent. And Franklin and Jefferson were both deists. At least I think Franklin was.
Michael Shermer, Richard Dawkins, Charles Darwin, Thomas Huxley, Stephen J. Gould...should I go on?
From Wiki:
Clark Adams (19692007): Prominent American freethought leader and activist.
Joseph Lewis (18891968): American freethinker and atheist, president of Freethinkers of America 19201968
James Randi, (1928): magician, debunker, and founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation.
Charles Lee Smith (18871964): an atheist activist in the United States and an editor of the Truth Seeker until his death. He also founded the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism. Smith was arrested twice in 1928 for selling atheist literature and for blasphemy. Since he refused to swear an oath to God on the Bible, he was not allowed to testify in his own defense.
Sir George Taubman Goldie (18461925): Manx administrator who, as founder of the Royal Niger Company, played a major role in the founding of Nigeria.
Lance Armstrong (1971): American cyclist, winner of the Tour de France seven consecutive times.
OK, here's a short list:
David Miliband (Foreign Secretary, United Kingdom)
Alan Johnson (Secretary of State Education and Skills, United Kingdom)
Bob Hawke (formerly Prime Minister of Australia)
Bill Haydn (formerly Governor General of Australia)
Jawaharlal Nehru (formerly Prime Minister of India)
Francois Mitterand (formerly President of France)
Helen Clark (formerly Prime Minister of New Zealand)
Bob Brown (Australian Senator and leader of the Greens Party)
Lance Armstrong (cyclist)
Fred Hollows (eye surgeon who set up clinics for free cataract surgeries in third world countries)
Warren Buffet (philanthropist)
Bill Gates (philanthropist)
Andrew Carnegie (philanthropist)
Mark Twain aka Samuel Clemens (author)
Yip Harburg (composer of Somewhere Over the Rainbow)
Carmen Argibay (member of the Argentine Supreme Court of Justice)
Richard Branson (head of the Virgin Airlines etc.)
Bob Geldof (musician, philanthropist and originator of Band Aid)
George Clooney (actor)
Jodie Foster (actor)
Randy Newman (songwriter)
Linus Torvalds (Finnish software engineer and developer of the Linux operating system)
Will that do?
Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Jefferson were both deists.
I think Thomas Paine was an atheist, though. I don't really picture him as a coke user.
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov, to my knowledge, never used cocaine. He's also famous for saying (paraphrased) that "once you understand what the Bible is saying, it becomes the greatest tool for atheism ever."
He also died from AIDS-related complications. Not because he was gay, but because when he had heart surgery he had a transfusion with AIDS-infected blood. As long as you're making sweeping generalizations, just thought I'd like to remind you that not everyone who died of AIDS and AIDS-related illnesses was gay.
My brother. Sure, he's not really famous, but he's respected and he's involved in the Red Cross on an international level.
You name one who WAS a cocain user.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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