"We already know that E=mc2 is wrong because it contradicts Newton's law of gravity. E=mc2 says nothing is faster than the speed of light....yet as we know, this is not correct. Gravity is instantaneous, thus faster than the speed of light. If the earth were to move, for example, the moon would somehow "know" it and move right along with it. Same with the sun...if the sun were to move, the planets would follow the sun around, all without ropes.
Scientists have long known that Einstein's theory contradicted Newton's law of gravity, but it's just one of those things they try to keep hush about and sweep under the carpet like it doesn't exist.
So if E=mc2 is wrong, which it is, then we can pretty much be assured that astronomers and cosmologists are not to be trusted because they simply do not know what they're talking about."
What's this? New, better information that could replace and contradict the old? LALALALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALALA
Leave the physics to those smart enough to comprehend it. I seriously doubt supersport can do the rudimentary calculus necessary to explain basic gravitational acceleration.
do you even know what the fuck you're talking about? How is gravity instantaneous?
If I push you off a cliff, do you instantly reach the ground? No. You fall down w/an acceleration of 9.81 m/s^2
Yes, that's the way science works, new and better theories replace the old theories.
That is why science is a far better way of knowing what's true then religion, because it corrects it's own mistakes.
Newton's "Law" was no such thing. Law was just an old term for a theory. Eintein's theories merely extended and fleshed out the physics to reflect real observations (not to disrespect the marvellous nature of Einstein's work).
Action at a distance (such as gravity) is easily explained if you envisage space as 3-dimensional and not just 2D. The presence of a large body warps the space-time fabric and causes an indentation in the toplology that other bodies fall into. Imagine a sheet of rubber with a cannon-ball at the centre. If your were to put another object on the sheet then it will be instantaneously affected by the warped nature of the sheet. Depending on how the smaller object is introduced, it will roll directly torwards to centre, or approach in a spiral motion.
Oh yes, I've been told by somebody that knows more physics then I do that the issue isn't whether or not things fall instantly but whether gravity "travels" instantly.
As it happens, gravity travels at lightspeed. So if the sun disappeared right now we'd keep moving in our orbit for 8 minutes before flying off in a straight line.
Supersport, did you know that you can eliminate your need to eat solid foods by staring straight into the Sun for just a few seconds a day? Really, just start at ten seconds and work your way up from there. Just don't stand in the grass, it drains the energy.
(I'm hoping supersport actually reads this.)
How is gravity instantaneous? Gravity is a constant in terms of acceleration, means that it's finite. Einstein's equation does no directly relate to acceleration.
E=mc^2 has almost nothing to do with F=ma.
Am I missing something here?
"...Gravity is a constant in terms of acceleration, means that it's finite..."
No, gravity varies with mass and distance. Its effect is only an average of 9.8m/s/s at a putative displacement from the gravity-well's epicentre on (in) earth. Even within our atmosphere it reaches a value below that exceleration rate. Not that it would help you much if you were falling :-)
raaarrrgh! Edit link no worky.
"Acceleration" is what I should have typed, although exceleration has a certain ring to it (that supersport will never appreciate).
I believe the physicists who use those theories in their daily work are somewhat more qualified to to make these sort of statements than you.
Hell, even Newtown probably knew more of the world than you.
Yet, how would your statement, if true, make the bible more right?
OK, here's a question.
With the preponderance of evidence for instantaneous gravity of which you and your team of peers (whom I assume are the "we" to which you refer, since literally no one else in the universe supports this moronic claim) are obviously in possession, why isn't any of it presented anywhere in that inane post?
Newtonian physics are good enough for the small and the slow, supersport, but the fact is at relativistic speeds, they fall to pieces and a new theory is required. Shaking your head and saying "nuh-uh" - or even better, proposing a global scientific conspiracy - is hardly any way to cope with such an obvious discrepancy in the data.
I thought for a moment Carico had written this, but then I noticed that it was supersport, which explains the confusion, as he is almost (not quite, but almost) as stupid fucked-up crazy as Carico.
Gravity is instantaneous, thus faster than the speed of light. If the earth were to move, for example, the moon would somehow "know" it and move right along with it.
If it weren't Supersport, there would be absolutely no doubt that this would be trolling. What he has described, apparently unwittingly, is almost precisely the classic thought experiment to describe the gravitational effects of relativity, and his answer is just a huge heaping pile of wrong. If the sun were to spontaneously disappear, the orbiting planets would continue to move in the same orbit for a brief period , specifically as long as it takes for the gravity wave to propagate outward from the site of the sun's disappearance, before then moving off in straight lines tangent to their original orbits.
Einstein does not contradict Newton; Newton approximates Einstein as long as the speeds of the described system are vastly lower than C, and the relativistic and newtonian laws of motion become identical as those speeds tend towards zero. It's called the Correspondence Principle, and any decent textbook on relativity will almost certainly emphasise it in the very first chapter or so.
Conclusion: Supersport is continuing admirably in his intensive campaign of expounding on things he doesn't know a goddamn thing about.
I'm writing this live from the grave of Albert Einstein, and... yes, I can just hear a sound... I do believe it is the sound that would be made if a corpse were to spin in its grave.
So, folks, Einstein is spinning in his grave. Back to you, other commentators.
Oh how i love people not understand science.
E=mc2 means nothing more than: Energy equals Mass times the speed of light squared. This is a formula by which energy and matter can be transmuted, it says nothing about gravity. With this it can be calculated what the amount of energy is when converting an amount of mass to pure energy, or create matter out of energy.
Where as gravity is nothing more than the pull that any object has to another object.
I have no idea how you have come to your conclusion, since it absolutely makes no sense.
E=mc^2 has nothing to do with saying that nothing is faster than the speed of light.
The formula you are thinking of is t1 = t0/sqrt(1 - (v^2)/(c^2))
When v is greater than c, v^2 over c^2 will then be greater than 1 so 1 minus v^2 over c^2 will be less than 0. You cannot take a aquare root of less than 0 without using imaginary numbers. if v is c you end up with t1=t0/0 which is a divide by zero which effectively gives you infinity.
That's all kinda beside the point, since Newton doesn't prove it wrong; it proves Newton wrong, though Newtonian physics still gives a very accurate estimate at significantly less than the speed of light.
Not that it matters much but I should add that in the above formula, t1 is observed time from outside the frame of reference, and t0 is the observed time from inside the frame of reference. Where the frame of reference is the object that's travelling at speed, obviously.
The same formula works substituting time for length and mass as well.
"So if E=mc2 is wrong, which it is, then we can pretty much be assured that astronomers and cosmologists are not to be trusted because they simply do not know what they're talking about."
One of the blessings of being a fundy is that you automatically know more about cosmology than the cosmologists, more about biology than the biologists, more about other people's inner lives than those people themselves, and more about everything than those nasty old hellbound athy-yeasts.
Oh, and also, it's suggested that gravity can appear to travel faster than the speed of light, but it does this by 'taking shortcuts', not by actually travelling faster than the speed of light.
More information here (if it isn't badurl'd):-
Supersport has yet again proved his massive misunderstanding of science. It's so wrong that I'm going to have to go find a dictionary to find a word that means "So extremely wrong, wrong just doesn't cut it".
You Mega-Fail. With knobs on.
Oh, it's sock puppet supersport. I call parody.
I really think supersport and Carico are the same person.
Show your proof, please. Better yet, submit your proof to the Scientific American editors. This is important!
(Well...E=mc2 is wrong as a mathematical expression, so I'll give stuporsnort credit for recognizing that. Isn't it e=mC^2?)
Great googly-moogly that's wrong! There's bad physics, bad scientific method, and bad history, all wrapped up with a stupid conclusion!
We here in the Bush Administration are going to be fixing the polls in the next election as we did in the past.This time supersport is going to be the new weiner,,i mean winner of the election.His profound stupidness will do wonders for President Bush.We calculate after supersport is in office for a mere 2 weeks the retarded stuff he spews out will drastically overshadow our current leader in pure bullshit,lies,logic,and idiocy,knocking Mr.Bush a few rungs up the ladder and due to supersports crap Mr.Bush will look like a genius by comparison,and perhaps people will forget how much a moron he is after supersport takes over.
No! Nononono. E=mc^2 has sweet F A to do with gravity. It merely states that matter and energy are interchangeable. Gravity is not thought to be instantaneous either but also propogates at the speed of light. However, it is a weak force in comparison, so at great distances (lightyears etc) you can pretty much ignore it if nothing is nearby.
Btw, the sun does move and the planets do follow it. We're not accelerating, which is why you don't sense us moving.
We've never actually seen the particle that gravity acts with. We know a lot about its strength and how it works. Actually, we don't even know for sure if gravity is instantaneous or if it propagates at the speed of light. And until we can find a way of testing that particular conclusion of general relativity, we won't know for sure.
But hell, I'm trying to give a reasonable reply to the unreasonable. So useless.
Gravity propagates at the speed of light. That is, the changes in the gravitational fields caused by the motion of the masses involved radiate out from the system at c . This is an expectation of General Relativity (the formula E = mc² is from Special Relativity) that has been explicitly confirmed by observing the orbits of binary pulsars. The observed decay rates of these orbits exactly agree with those predicted by the action of gravitational radiation in the form of waves.
So the gravitational field is always present, while changes in it propagate as gravitational waves (not gravity waves, which are something different), and at the speed of light.
Goosey - I haven't read all your comments, but you seem to have forgotten quantum entanglement as well.
If you've included it, I apologize, but if you haven't, it's pretty damn interesting.
Basically it says that two quantum particles - specifically photons in the thought experiment - can exist millions of light years apart, but behave as though they are the same particle . This would suggest a FTL transmission of sorts between the two to regulate the behavior.
@Bob Dole: Because they accept the Big Book of Made Up Random Shit, AKA the Bible, as literally true (after numerous mistranslations and scribal errors), and hence at some level feel justified in making any sort of random shit and claiming that it is as true as the Bible.
You know, we practically hand ammunition to the fundies when we respond to topics that we don't have the proper knowledge to respond to. If you haven't studied or practiced (or aren't currently not studying or practicing) physics, cosmology, astrophysics, etc., please keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, you'll end up as a post on www.lstdt.com .
-E=mc2 says nothing about things travelling. It is the formula for the conversion of matter to energy and vice versa. The speed of light happens to occur in it because of principals of the universe involving light speed and how matter functions at high velocities.
-gravity does not travel, any more than any force travels. But our observations of it would be limited by relativity.
-incidentally, while relativity does not contradict the laws of gravity, it does contradict (slightly) earlier theories of motion. Can't recall which one. Basically because the formulas for motion get warped slightly at high speeds. It's called PROGRESS.
Frank: Particles (electrons actually I think) can be made to travel faster than the local speed of light - light does slow down when not in a vaccuum. If you fire an electron beam through some water you can get a neat halo-glow effect as the electrons, travelling slower than the absolute speed of light, yet faster than the speed of light in water, create an effect similar to a sonic boom.
I wonder about that Jupiter gravity experiment. I'd have to see more details than were in the article.
I'm familiar with the principle of quantum entanglement, but don't know enough about it to really talk about it (although if that doesn't stop supersport, maybe it shouldn't stop me ;) ).
It's interesting, true enough, but I think it's a special case rather than a general rule, isn't it?
Yeah, pretty much. But if the implications are true, it's pretty detrimental to the case of the "no such thing faster than light", which anyway isn't what relativity, much less E = mc^2, says.
Ahh supersport, you always manage to put a smile on my face... and then I cringe when i realise you aren't joking...
Also gravity instantaneous? WTF? What could possibly make you think that? Do you intantly hit the water when diving into the pool?
Gravity is instantaneous? on earth it's 9.81 m/s^2....3x10^8 m/s is the speed of light. Given the fact that terminal velocity for humans on earth is about 53.6448 m/s (120 MPH), you can easily conclude that gravity is not instantaneous, and 300000000 > 53
I openly admit that I did not take a college physics course.
Everything I know about physics, I learned in high school or through self-education.
I can still say, with all certainty, that supersport is so wrong that the physical laws of nature may actually refuse to apply to him, just to avoid being associated with such idiocy.
Actually, one of the first things my physics prof. in college told us when we studied both Special and General Relativity was that they did not agree with Newton's descriptions of gravity. However, for slow (ie non-relativistic speeds), Newton's approximations were accurate beyond most significant figures.
Secondly, as some people have pointed out, this would be a great example of progress within a scientific field as more knowledge and understanding are gained, theories are revised.
Lastly, we're currently witnessing the next step in this progression. There is an apparent contradiction between General Relativity and Quantum mechanics. Gravity is accurately described at distances greater than Planck's length by General Relativity and at distances less than Planck's length by Quantum mechanics. But there is a discontinuity in the descriptions at Planck's length. Eventually we'll see an updated theory that deals with this issue and both General Relativity and quantum mechanics will give way for a more accurate understanding. Damn progress is amazing.
@ James -
Nope. That's a common misconception. The ToR says that you can't make an object that is slower than light accelerate to the speed of light, without an infinite boost in energy.
Quantum mechanics offers plenty of FTL solutions.
Of course Einstein was bad at math.
He really meant to say E = MC^3, now that makes more common sense and it explains how the speed of light is a constant, and that gravity is just a reaction to mass and that it is all relative to the size of the mass in both objects affected by gravity.
Newton's theory of gravity can explain the orbits of the planets, but not the orbits of the stars around the galaxy. For stars on the inner and outer orbits around the center of a galaxy move at the same speed, and if the theory of gravity was correct the stars on the outer orbits would orbit slower than those stars on the inner orbits.
If the theory of gravity is flawed, and the theory of relativity is based on the theory of gravity, it too is also flawed.
Now some scientists claim there is matter and energy we can't see that increases the gravity near stars on the outer orbits of galaxies, and they call it dark matter and dark energy.
By the way, gravity doesn't have a speed, it is just the attraction of two objects to each other relative to their mass and distance. Yet there is a gravity constant on Earth of -9.8 meters per second every second that shows how fast things accelerate as they reach the surface of the Earth. Gravity does not have a speed, it is the masses effected by gravity that have speed and acceleration.
Jesus Christ, as a physics student (albeit, a first year) reading that felt as if someone took my brain out and started to violently rape it.
To sum up:
"We already know that E=mc2 is wrong"
The atomic bomb wishes to disagree with you in an explosive man- Oh wait, it's supersport.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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