Angellica Goodson-Lord #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot
Most of us go through life having no interest in what flows through our veins and what makes up our genetics. Most of us look at our relatives and think; “Oh my family is from the Old Country,” or they are “Black,” Indian, Scandinavian, Irish, Jewish, Italian the list of possibilities goes on. No one has ever considered that we might have Alien DNA added to our genetic codes, that aliens have disabled a huge portion of our Active D or that aliens exist at all unless you are HARD WIRED to them or happen to be a victim of the DARK SIDE.
Not only is human history filled with these legends and stories but archeology, geology, astronomy, science and our DNA show us clear evidence that they DID EXIST AND THAT THEY TERRORIZED EARLY MAN, as they “Flit and Flew” in their “Chariots of Fire,” “Whirling Wheels,” “Thrones.” etc. Their flying ships were described with see through cockpits where they could observe their gods on their thrones in their cockpits. These flying vehicles HID IN THE CLOUDS and created cloud cover as they moved into our three dimensional world. The gods of the Old Testament and all religions through out the world talk about these biological entities who made the lives of those human beings they abducted, visited and ritualized miserable.
They were known through out history to abduct and inseminated their DNA in the DNA of early man. They engaged in rape, artificial insemination and cloning. In the process they changed all life forms on earth. THEY ARE NOT OUR CREATORS THEY ARE OUR ENEMY. THEY CONTAMNATED THE BLOODLINE OF OUR SCANDINAVIAN MITOCHONDRIA MOTHERS, WHO WE ARE ALL RELATED TO NO MATTER WHAT COLOR YOUR SKIN IS TODAY. THEY SWITCHED OFF OUR DNA SWITCHES AND ADDED THEIR DNA so that mankind would get sick, age and die.
Scientists who tell the truth clearly state that aliens replaced 97 percent of our DNA with what is called “Alien DNA,” “Junk DNA,” or “Other DNA.” That we operate using only 3 percent of our DNA, which is called our “Active DNA.” They were obviously the evil INTELLIGENT DESIGNERS who bred early man with the primates to produce the INDIAN ADAM and BLACK EVE slave populations. All of us have contaminated DNA and DNA that has been deactivated by them.
As they bred with us, they created hybrid bloodlines that were HARDWIRED to them. These hybrid “Serpent Bloodlines” rule the world today and are the reason all of out lives are GOING DOWN THE TUBES.
Take the time to travel with me: i HAVE DONE YOUR HOMEWORK FOR YOU