Satan began the perversion of women in the Garden of Eden by appealing to her vanity. Adam sinned by allowing the women to control him.
Women voting gives too much power to control men. I don't think God ever intended for women to have both the vote and boobs. That is just too much power in the hands of the weaker vessel.
I have a problem and I wonder whether you learned folks can help me. See, I first hit this little problem when reading "Paradise Lost" and now I see it in actual fundy terms rather than literary ones.
Before the Fall, Adam and Eve were without sin, right? That was the point of the Fall, right? So, why did Eve have any pre-Fall vanity to appeal to? Isn't vanity a sin?
Is this just inherent misogyny or something - even when "perfect" women are still superficial, vain and stupid?
Well, he gave us the children, the most powerful and important responsibility, do you think we are the "weaker vessel"
Well, now we know the source of Wonder Woman's powers: Boobs.
Wow, that is one screamingly funny post! Saying that "the vote and boobs ... is just too much power" positively cracks me up, because it clearly implies that he finds himself hopelessly susceptible to the Power of Boobs -- and then, contradictorily, refers to women as the "weaker vessel"!
Seeing that crack about women being a "weaker vessel" also makes me want to brace myself for the shockwave from all the feminine outrage that invariably, and quite properly, results such a stupid comment. I could just picture the combined rage of women everywhere simply blowing him away, leaving nothing but a pair of scorched shoes.
~David D.G.
"Control him?" All Eve did was offer him a piece, she didn't force him to eat it.
The rest of your ridiculous rant is stupid to a mind-boggling degree. It's clear that you have no idea what you're talking about.
Even his fellow fundies are laughing at him.
Power and boobs... *snort*
It seems fundies cannot get it into their thick skulls that owning a vagina does NOT equal slave, as owning a penis does not equal superiority. Clitoris's sweeping generalizations of religion, sex and race (I did read all his BS) make it clear that this "superior" man has no fucking clue what he's talking about.
I recommend Senecol for diarrhoea of the keyboard, Mr. Clitoris.
Anybody who has ever seen a woman give birth knows that "weaker sex" stuff is bullshit! (And I was going to say I'd give up my boobs before I'd give up my right to vote, but...nope, I'm keeping them, too!)
"That is just too much power in the hands of the weaker vessel."
So then they would be stronger...
Relax, clitoris....I mean, clirus.
God had fuckall to do with it anyway, and Satan even less.
First of i am a guy.
I read his entire post on the site it was taken from and it is a funny read.
He says that men should be in power and lead the world and also lead and control women.
Well in this quote he do state that Adam sinned, Adam is the sinner, he let the woman control him.
The rest of his post is about men sinning cause they get controlled by women.
i just feel then if men are so weak minded that and get so easily controlled that they have to sin are they then the right people to rule the world and have all the power? That to me seems like a very dangerous idea and christians to me strikes me as extremly weakminded and easily led into sin as they call it. it seems like their minds are constanly battling of wanting to commit sins.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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