Elias Fakaname #fundie reason.com

"And that is the whole point of SPLC. To direct the violent works of their fellow travelers. Much in the same way that groups like the Muslim Brotherhood are connected to terror organizations , it do not engage in such activities themselves."

"Discredited by whom? LGBT activists and their allies? The SPLC? Reading your posts, you sound like a propagandist. Which is typical of of a progressive. You believe in 'diversity', as long as it's a diversity of your ideas. Anything else is 'discredited', or 'hate soeech'.

Sorry, you're selling, but we're not buying."

"There is nothing credible about a far left fringe organization like the SPLC."

"The SPLC attempts to shut down any speech with which they disagree. An effort with which you agree. Typical progressive."

"It won't matter soon. There will be a cure for homosexuality within twenty years."

"Lots of progtarded twisted reasons to infringe on our rights."

"More of your hateful leftist lies. You're just another progressive propagandist."

"Like pretty much everything you've had to say. You're clearly a totalitarian at heart. I have no doubt you would force soeech codes based on your sensibilities on this country if you could. Criminalizing even the slightest criticism of homosexuality."

"SPLC is definitely an anti first amendment hate group."

"You're calling Stossel and asshole? Only a piece of shit would do that."

"If you want to see a bigot, you need only turn to your nearest mirror"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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