If this guy hated liberals so much (and who doesn't?) it would have made much more sense for him to shoot up Berkley or San Francisco. Tennessee liberals are hardly your typical subhuman-type of liberal scum.
Not fundie. (he can DIAF anyway)
Again: we NEED a Neo-cons say the Darndest Things.
Or maybe some kind of catch-all political version, so we can put the ultra-left-wing nonsense there, too.
In one episode of "All In The Family", it was revealed that Archie's nickname as a young man was "Meathead".
You're not even that smart.
The guy hates everybody, it seems.
A fucking coward, to open fire in a church.
As was thoughtfully expressed elsewhere on the thread, people of any political or religious persuasion have taken this tragedy to prove their points.
First, if you're going to threaten someone, spell the name right. It's Berkeley asswipe.
2nd, the difference between the 'real' Archie and you, he had a heart. You? Not so much.
That's all funny and everything, but I know who takes that kind of talk very seriously--your fascist president's domestic surveilance program, that's who. You're probably being monitored right now as a potential terrorist.
Whatever happened ''Thou shall not kill''..
Ah fuck it, these bastards find anything to justify their bullshit.
It should be "Political Extremists Say The Darndest Things" - because, in all fairness, some liberals can also be intolerant of conservatives.
Go shove the false equivalence bullshit up your arse.
Right-wing extremists: eliminationist rhetoric and incitement to violence. "let's go kill and terrorize people who think differently than us!"
Left-wing extremists: mean names and hurt feelings. "Holy shit you're stupid. What you're asking for will hurt/maim/kill/terrorize an insane amount of people."
Um... I'm from Oak Ridge, Tennessee (25 miles from Knoxville), will be going to college in Knoxville, and if you met me, I would be a 'subhuman' liberal.
Of course, you are a poe, just by looking at your name.
I used to live in a rural area of TN. The people (and the scenery) were very nice but you're considered "liberal" if you're to the left of Clarence Thomas.
Al Gore, for example, was considered "very far left" and I don't even think he's liberal.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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