Various Incels #sexist

[SuicideFuel] My mother lives like a queen.

We are not even rich, I would say we are somewhat average. My dad works very hard everyday to bring home a respectable paycheck while my mom watches TV. By no means I hate my mom, in fact I am grateful for all the time she cared for me but I am jealous of her. She lives the perfect life. She occasionally cleans the floors, does the laundry, cooks lunch for us and goes for shopping. I don't see shopping and cooking as a chore because you actually control what you want to have in your house and what you want to eat. She doesn't even cook dinner! (only once in a blue moon) All of her "chores" barely round up to an hour a day. I wish I could marry a cute girl who would bring home the paycheck and I would just be lazy all day (in fact I would always cook breakfast, lunch, dinner and do the dishes). I mean isn't that the minimum you could do?! Most of the time when my dad comes home he has to make himself dinner, and he is fine with that, like wtf? I think about it and almost every femoid in the world lives like this, while that kind of life could only be fantasy for men.

Fuck I wish I was my mom.

you should hate your mum. look at it this way: if they claim prostitution exploits women, however women get paid for the service. how is she not exploiting your dad, he is paying for her to exist, in a relationship their has to be a balance of giving by both parties otherwise its exploitation by definition, how is she not exploiting his labour for her own comfort.



And there are chads living such blissful lives of trophy spouses, just because they have some cms of bone more than we do. At least they are something rare, to do it as a woman one has to simply exist.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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