Winners of the FOTY 2023 awards blog
Rev. Paul Mackenzie - religious fundie of the year
various commenters from gab - Wingnut of the year
Kim Jong Un - Moonbat of the year
Georgia GOP Chair Kandiss Taylor - Conspiracy theorist of the year
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child - Ableist of the year
Joseph Czuba - Racist of the year
Andrew Anglin (1) - Sexist of the year
Mammonist grifter of the year was a four way tie
Yoweri Museveni, et al - Heteronormative crusader of the year
State Representative Rob Harris (R) and 21 other South Carolina State Representatives - Forced-birth advocate of the year
Gisele Gurney, Brynn Miche and Jimbo Zoomer - Vogon Poet Loonerate of the year
Tammy Nichols and Judy Boyle - Quack of the year
Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon - Magnetic crank of the year
Jesse Lee Peterson - One liner of the year
Gracie - Chicken little award