@D Laurier
The fact that I dont promote anti-semitic myths. The fact that I dont lie about what I say. The fact that I dont go into conspiratory rants, and have no idea what "rense.com" is.
You may not know what rense.com is, but the comments I cited all tell their ugly tale.
And the fact that judaism is a religion that stretches across MULTIPLE ethnicitys.
It's ironic that you should appear on a site which laughs at creationists; your views are just as firmly rooted in the nineteenth century.
Jews are simply NOT a people, any more than muslims or christians. They are the adherants of a RELIGION. German jews speak German, and are ethnicly German.
Funny you should pick on language, because this is one of the clearest areas where Jews can be shown to be distinct. Jews across the world speak a number of languages that are ethnically Jewish. That includes Judeo-Arabic, Yiddish, Bukhori, Ladino. They are everyday, vernacular languages that no-one else speaks. If you lose your religion, you don't forget to speak your native language.
Oh, and if you want to learn what a people or a culture or an ethnicity is, I'd try reading some of the basics of modern anthropology, sociology or political science on the subject if I were you. You could start with Ernest Renan from the 1882,* then perhaps you could reflect on how comically antiquated your views are.
*("une grande solidarité, constituée par le sentiment des sacrifices qu'on a faits et de ceux qu'on est disposé à faire encore. Elle suppose un passé ; elle se résume pourtant dans le présent par un fait tangible : le consentement, le désir clairement exprimé de continuer la vie commune")
PS "Germans are a people because they are ethnically German" is about as good an argument as saying "The Bible is the Word of God because it says so in the Bible." Next time, try arguments that aren't circular.