Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

The transmissions of Saturn are dense and problematic
They pervert the lower dimensions
Propagate 4d astral delusions
And disperse false 5d ascension programs

When it was darkened it became Satan
Which is the negative aspect of Saturn
And the god for Satanic ritual abuse

Satanic rituals are to manipulate the energetic field
And to cause the thinning out of the dimensional difference between our world and the spirit world
Allowing entities to slip through their dimension and to literally appear before the cultists
But because of vibrational differences they cannot stay long

Alien craft posing as moons send electrical waves to Saturn
And cause a tremendous amount of electrical activity within the rings
Archonic posts are located primarily in the outer rings

The resulting projections are picked up by the moon
Then amplified and sent towards the earth

The moon is a base of operations for transmitting broadcasts of magnetic field manipulations
Which overlays the ley lines and gives shadowy creatures and energy parasites 2 way access
In and out of artificial wormholes

This lunar matrix also transmits mind control programs into the earths magnetic field
And propagates spiritually abusive belief systems into the subconscious layers of the masses
This computer generated dream world is designed to turn us into batteries

Lunar zodiacal imprints were generated by the invading races to suppress human consciousness
Reptilian entities are of a very low band of frequency
And that is only what they can absorb

If we only gave off frequencies of love joy and laughter
They would have to immediately depart

The Venusian mother principle was eliminated by prolonged efforts
And replaced with artificial programming and false images

When Venus arises in her true and complete embodiment
It is game over for the control structures
And the power elite who have been propped up by the invading non humans

We are in a virtual reality
A mind game
A matrix in which humans give away their power by acquiescing their essence



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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