Libby Klein-Rapier #fundie

To bad people are so brainwashed you can't even see. They got you so deep you can't even question it. Flat earth is gaining momentum because the people questioning are getting scientific answers using their scientific math and physics. The answers just don't jive with what science has told us. That's why people are taking it further. Why not learn and question??? Isn't that what were supposed to be doing???

Life's to short to believe everything someone says. Even if their teachers, professor's, and scientists. Science isn't written in gold. It changes constantly. Shit relativity is just a theory not a law. There's so many discrepancies that when you investigate flat earth it becomes clear. People aren't guessing their doing the math. Anyone can do their own experiments and come to their own conclusions. The fact that science isn't addressing the questions in the flat earth community is disturbing and makes one even question further for being ignored. So I say continue your quest for the truth.



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