Alexandra wrote:
<quoted text>
You can't call yourself a Christian if you don't even believe what the Bible says. To say that you're a Christian and don't believe the Bible makes you a LIAR.
Forcing him to remove the Bible is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
BTW Bush is not a Christian OR a conservative.
How can people ask God to bless America when we allow these nutjobs to suppress Christianity!?
Um, christianity is suppressed? Why is it, then, that I am bombarded with it everywhere I go? Why are there 500 shows a week on satellite television with keywords such as god and bible and jesus?
You can call yourself a Christian and not believe EVERYTHING the Bible says. If you don't believe anything the Bible says, then maybe there is a contradiction. Otherwise, you're golden.
Forcing a schoolteacher to remove a Bible from plain view is not unconstitutional. In fact, it is unconstitutional for a tacit representative of a state institution to have a religious article on prominent display, so, in fact, the school is required to have him remove the Bible from his desk.
Bush is a Christian, whether you want to admit or not, and even if he isn't arch-conservative, he is still a conservative. No true Scotsman, etc.
And, for your final sentence of inanity: stop asking God for favors, then. It probably just irritates Him, anyway.
Forcing somebody to remove the Bible and stop proselytising may be unconstitutional, provided that we're talking about the a purported Vatican City Constitution. And man, don't you know that nobody is trying to supress Christianity?. They're saying that forcing your religion on somebody else is not a right, something that Bush, regardless of his convictions, must make effective. And girl, I'm sorry, but not even the most crackpot priest in the most remote area believes that snakes speak or people live up to 900 years. I think that, according to your absurd logic, it doesn't qualify as Christians.
"You can't call yourself a Christian if you don't even believe what the Bible says"
You can't convince anyone outside of your home town that you are right and everyone else is wrong about this stupid biblical literalism fetish you fundies have.
"How can people ask God to bless America when we allow these nutjobs to suppress Christianity"
No different than the muslim extremists. America is bad for what it is. It should be a theocracy, then everything will be alright. And if things get worse, it's because we didn't get religious ENOUGH.
Forcing him [Freshwater] to remove the Bible is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Why? Does he own the desk or the classroom? Are the kids there voluntarily? Are non-Christians exempt from school taxes? Does the presence of the Bible have a secular purpose related to the assigned job he's being paid for? If the answer to the last question is no, he's probably failed the Supreme Court's "Lemon Test" and lost the game right there.
The school has a good reason for stopping him. The last time a school board got sued for trying to inject religion into the classroom (Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District) it cost the taxpayers over a million dollars in legal fees (and they lost). The same would likely happen here.
I never thought this would happen. I actually agree with a single thing a fundie said. Bush is, indeed, not a "conservative". He's a reckless radical devoid of, caution, reason or sensibility.
The rest of the post is, as usual, utter bullshit.
That's the problem with america, people have to swear on the bible.
I think we should put our hand on "The cat in the hate" and swear on that, that's a good book.
Damn, this woman used to post on Fark. She was so far to the right she made Bush look like Karl Marx. She voted Constitution Party because she thought that the Republicans weren't fundie enough. Oh yeah, and she thinks that the earth is the center of the universe. Basically, she's crazy.
"BTW Bush is not a Christian OR a conservative. "
Dammit, did I miss yet another meeting and/or memo??
Alexandra, dear, if ickle Georgie isn't Christian, or conservative, why is a a conservative Christian?
And besides that, he's a fuckwit anyway.
Oof. I wonder if this is the Alexandra, briefly a Fark legend a couple of years ago. Not as hostile as SkinnyHead or as lame as Bevets, but batty in her own, mostly-civilized, possibly brain-damaged way. Geocentrist, you know. And she really does believe Bush is a liberal -- IIRC she supports the Constitution Party.
To a supporter of the Constitution Party, George W. Bush WOULD come across as a "liberal."
After all, G.W. Bush doesn't believe in burning heretics at the stake.
The goverment should impliment new teacher contracts that would make the offending teacher responsible for all lawsuits. The goverment would still be sued and pay, but they could be a lean on the teachers possesions for his entire life in an attempt to recover this money.
This would reduce the amount of these violations. Maybe even a charge of treason for constitutional violations?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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