Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #wingnut exopolitics.org
What is even more intriguing in tracking the historical origin of Space Force is that the Space Commission was headed by Donald Rumsfeld, a former Secretary of Defense (1975-1977), who has a mysterious history in UFO investigations, the study and reverse engineering of captured extraterrestrial technologies, and in recruiting individuals for secret space programs. Rumsfeld’s leadership of the Space Commission, and his second appointment as Secretary of Defense (2001-2006) under President George Bush, led to Commission members believing that legislation for creating a Space Force was imminent.
What happened eight months later completely derailed any hope for prospective legislation creating a Space Corps, the September 11 attack, which evidence suggests was a false flag attack orchestrated by the Deep State. Only a day earlier, Rumsfeld had admitted on live T.V. that the Pentagon couldn’t properly account for a missing 2.3 trillion dollars. This had led to much speculation whether one of the motivations for the September 11 attack was to prevent serious investigations into the missing trillions.
Given Rumsfeld’s leadership role in proposing the creation of a Space Corps, his subsequent second appointment as Secretary of Defense, and his exposure of the missing trillions, a question that can be asked is whether another key purpose of the Deep State in launching the September 11 attack, was to stop the creation of a Space Corps? If so, then it appears that a Space Pearl Harbor is a scenario that the Deep State has been facilitating since at least 2001, and they were laying the groundwork for U.S. officials acknowledging such a threat while effectively doing nothing to prevent it.